Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sorry I've not been as active.  I'm just popping on to say that I love you all, turned in the last of my work for Japanese Thought, got an 85% on my term paper (whoever wants to read it, email me and I'll send an attachment in my reply) and an A-  that the professor hadn't gotten a chance to post, but he sent me an email letting me know my grade.  So, 3/4 classes for the semester are done, and the 4th 1/2 way done, and a 4.0 average so far.

I'm bushed.  And I'm probably going to take my last English class next semester, just to get it out of the way...

Kids are doing well.  Athena had her open house last night.  I forgot to take the camera with me, so I didn't get a picture of her mission project, so I'll have to take a picture of it once it gets to come home again.  She worked really hard on building her model.

Merlin also decided that he wanted a "boy haircut."  So he has short hair nnow, which he likes.  I knew that waiting until he was ready for and wanted one, instead of fighting him, would pay off.

Good night family.  We love you.  Those that are not so healthy, I'm looking forward to you feeling better.  Those that are healthy, stay that way please.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Hi Teresa; can you explain what 'Japanese Thought' entails? Sounds interesting.