Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Teresa's chirps >.<

Well, Dad keeps poking me to come and put in the family blog where to get my books. Therefore, I come bearing links and information.

It would be a good idea to take the title, author name, and ISBN to your local library and request that they obtain a copy. Acording to what i understand of the library charter when a book is requested the library must obtain it. I could also be misunderstanding, but it doesn't hurt to try! ^_^

You can do the same with any bookstore.

To order, visit http://www.lulu.com/rainstardragon

Dragon Shaman, Book One: Taming the Blowing Wind
By Teresa Huddleston-Garca
The first novel of the series.
(paperback) ISBN 978-0-9788028-0-6 $10.00
(ebook) ISBN 978-0-9788028-1-3 $7.00 (only at website)

Call of the Kami
By Teresa Huddleston-Garcia
First poetry book
(paperback) ISBN 978-0-9788028-2-0 $12.01

"The Smoky Mirror," the second book of my Dragon Shaman series is currently on chapter 11, and I have an editor now (also the mother of an autistic child, like Merlin) and is projected to be ready for release in September of 2008.

In other news, school is over for the summer and the kids have visited my mom and dad. Illa (AKA Mom) has surgery on the 20th for those that haven't heard.


Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa; so good to have you give input! Also good to hear what your doing and we appreciate your filling us in on what's going on with our sometimes too quiet siblings. But this is really getting intimidating, two teachers and now a real writer and I'm too lazy to use spell-check. Please be patient with those of us who are struggling with the English language. Can't wait to see that beautiful smile of yours at the reunion. Uncle Peter

Anonymous said...

Teresa - sorry I spelled your name wrong on the other post - must be because I'm going to be 60! Heeeeyyy, this 60 thing may not be so bad after all!!

Thanks for the info on the books and the library. I will let you know how it turns out at our library. So good to hear from you. Love, Aunt Glenda

Anonymous said...

support the family !! send the link and book information, get me out of debt !!

Anonymous said...

Wow .. can't wait to see you and the kids. I'm actually going to do the library thing. I don't get there , but my gr dauughters love it, so I'll take them and insist they order your books.