Monday, November 19, 2007


I just want you all to know I will be thinking of you. My Rick will be home tomorrow I think. Can't wait. Looks like we are going to go to Pams, (Rick's X) although I don't like calling her that so from now on you know who Pam is so I wont. She is precious friend and sister in The Lord. She is going to have some others from our church over also. Hopefully the kids will come later. They will be busy doing things with their wives families.
Sandi and Jim, I enjoyed your thoughts on your family, Sorry, I forgot to sign my name when I sent in the blog titled FAMILY,
Glenda, that is so great about Rich and Lueria coming to be with you, please give them my love.

I am looking for to heaven when we can all be together more often and the kids will have more time for us. I love you all more than words could ever express.

This Thanksgiving I'm especially thankful for the healing God has done in our lives to bring us together, I think closer than we have ever been. It just shows you God can do anything and all the bad stuff we go through in life can work out for His Glory if we keep focused on Him and not the problems we deal with daily. In all we go through, is a opportunity to allow God to build our character and to depend on His strength and unconditional love.


Anonymous said...

you too sis. Hope you and Rick have a ball with the kids and Pam. Im glad you are all getting along. are you doing Gluten or Turkey. just curious.
I never forget helping Mom and Dad with the Gluten and the chocolate pie. Chocolate, mmmmmm!
love ya guys

Anonymous said...

Now you guys have me curious ! What is gluten ?
btw How you all have a nice turkey day !! B.J., Teresa, and her clan will be here for dinner and headed back to Mt. Shasta area for Thanksgiving but it will be nice to have them here for a bit !!
I am really surprised I will see another one !! lol

Jim said...

"What is gluten ?" I know that one, it's an Adventist thing. It's a type of wheat flour that makes bread "elastic." Adventists and vegetarians, I believe, use it as a protein product in place of meat. Seitan (Satan) Burger is a meat-type of product that uses it also. Hmmm...Adventists using that product strikes me as an oxymoron.
Sandi says that there had been some research that links gluten and autism, but the jury is still out.

I'm glad that you're able to have dinner with Teresa and family. Every moment is a gift for all of us.

Carpe diem,

Sandi Hooper said...

Ben, you've never had gluten? Doesn't it sound delicious? Gluuuuuu ten! Just sounds like a real rib sticking meal, don't it? Makes you wonder why any one ever started eating meat when there has always been such a huge supply of the wonder food available. I read somewhere that the feed it takes to produce one pound of beef could feed over 5,000 people! I wonder if that is in gluten or in bread. For my money, I'd rather have the bread... I've rinsed gallons of bran down the sink in my time as a good vegetarian.

I think Jim loved being a vegetarian though. Then he could look Yesterday, May and Flower all in the eye!

Anonymous said...

I do still go to the S.D.A. church but can't remember it both when a child or now ?!! Maybe you meant glutton !! lol
Btw- had a great time with the kids here !! Hope you all do with you and yours too !! (as in also), for the teachers in the family !! lol ☺