Wednesday, November 28, 2007


well after alot of reading, talking to people and prayer. I have decided not to do the Interferon and the ribivin. To many negative side effects, and a very low percentage of actually killing the virus. something like at best 45%. patients doing combination therapy have actually have killed the virus under treatment. and very expensive.
I have decided to go at it with alternative treatment. right now im using milk thistle and will soon start using collidol silver. I have been doing some research on these alternatives and people that have used them have had great results at killing the virus and at regenerating liver cells and also helping the healthy cells get stronger resisting the virus. Plus very little side effects. Im also being a little more selective in my diet. But i still have starbucks. which is actually a no-no.
I have had the virus for maybe 30 yrs. I figure that i dont see my blood counts come down in 18-24 months and i have problems i may opt to go with the combination therapy.
this decision has given me alot of peace and my stress level has actually reduced alot.


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you little brother, keep reading the Ph book, Rick is already feeling like a new man in just 1 month of putting into practice and has lost 12 lbs. We are also growing our own srouts, they have tremendous health benefits. I also am take the c.silver and putting drops of hydogren peroxide and fresh lemon and lime in my drinking water. It's great for cleaning out your system. Also we are adding a mixture of greens to our water. It comes in a powder, and not eating anything with yeast in it. All that info is in the book. Get serious about this and I know you'll feel much better real soon. Although you know your sometimes you go through a time when your body is throwing off all the poisons you will probably feel like you have flu symtons. Good luck, LOL

Jim said...

I too am one for trying proven natural remedies first. If this is something you've had for 30 years and lived with, a change in diet may be the most beneficial. Sounds like you're on the right track.

Anonymous said...

ya Bonnie. I think i went thru that a bit last week when i started the milk thistle. I laid off of it for a couple of days and then started taking it again and not as bad.
I actually felt really crappy for about 5 days.
I havnt ever really felt bad, as far as i know with this stuff.

Peter said...

Personally I have an irrational prejudice against anything not processed. If there were a donut remedy for some of my ills I'd jump at it. After reading your post, I suggested to Karen I was a little concerned for you opting for the alternative treatment. She then reminded me that many meds come from plants. I then did a bit of research and found one quote stating that 70 percent of new meds come from plants instead of chemicals. I never knew the percentage was so high! So, you can see, I'm coming along. We'll be praying along with you lil bro.

Anonymous said...

o.k., after reading about the silver and finding it could work on cancers too, where do I get it ? As for the thistle, DON'T THINK SO !!

Anonymous said...

you can get it at most health food stores. new seasons market or you can order it on-line.

Jim said...

That thistle has to be tough going down....and out.

Anonymous said...

Dick !! Don't look at the blog Jim put up !! The cat wears lipstick !!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Anonymous said...

Making a decision is 90% of the battle. just having a plan to follow or at least try really reduces the stress level.

what is this milk thistle thing?? is it the sap part or the leaves or dried roots?? i know that you can put milk thistle sap on a cut or wound to clean it and seal it. Illa

other said...

Anonymous said...


GiGi said...

Dick - I am with you on alternative treatments. I will be praying for you and when you find more info let us know. Love you lotz - Gi

Sandi Hooper said...

Dick, I am having a hard time dealing with the idea of you being so sick. New medicine, old medicine, no medicine, too much medicine, I just want you well and being yourself (read: silly!) as soon as possible and forever! I know you don't like talking about any unpleasantness that you may be going through. I know it's not your style, but... Please keep us posted on how it's going for you, ok? Please?