Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chuck's RETIRED!!!!!

Well, we got Chuck's paperwork filed. He will be officially retired June 26th, on his birthday. So now he will get some income starting hopefully August 1st. We left him a list of things to do before we talk to him again. We will see him again July 15-16. All in all he is doing pretty good. He is really getting into this taking the train everywhere. Good if you got the time or energy. It wasn't a bad trip into town from his house. I enjoyed it. Ben was hurting and the stopping and going was getting to him. That and the heat. 104 in Sac on Friday. Ben and Illa


Anonymous said...

add about 30 degrees in the back of a trailer and you get HOT. fresno at 6:00 am on thursday was 82. yuck
glad you guys got things straightened out with chuck. are you bringing him to the reunion or are you making a side trip on the way up?

Anonymous said...

I think it is going to depend on if Glenda and all make it. If they do then we can bring him back with us and then he can go back with them. Otherwise I think he will drive. I think he might be waffling a bit. He wants to but seems apprehensive for some reason. Will have to see how it goes.


Sandi Hooper said...

I'm so glad that you guys were able to help Chuck with the retirement papers. What a relief to know that he's going to be ok, and he won't lose his house.

you are heroes in my book (and my book of heroes is pretty short)

Peter said...

Hi neighbors, you guys awake yet? We're getting pretty, waiting for your call.

Anonymous said...

Dick !!! I don't think a 5 hour drive one way to see Chuck is really a side trip !! At least for me any more. Seems a major task even in the Spyder, I was really hit bad with something (pains) the whole next day and a half. Really messed up, even missed a fire call.... and that takes a LOTTTTTT to make me miss a fire call.
The Valley here was hammered with lightning saturday, I was able to lay by the window and smell the fresh rain and feel it fall on my face which I always love. I am a bit better today, finally, with Illa helping to fix me up.

Anonymous said...

when i was in chico this week, i saw alot of CDF, Cal-fire and usfs vehicles in the area. i guess there was a 32000 acre fire that they were just coming from. I think tahat they are trying to burn down nor-cal.
Glad your feeling better Ben.

Anonymous said...

yeah, a big fire there, now one about 15 miles from here. I still missed that call too, not up to it yet.... and then I have to see my doc tomorrow for my issues!!
Now if I was a young bucho like Dick and drove all the miles he does I guess 5 hours aint so bad. But I aint and I do !!
p.s. anyone heard from Bonnie ??!!!

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear that you were able to make it down to help Chuck. I made my hotel reservation last night and am planning to drive up on Friday, the 18th, starting early am. I will be glad to pick Chuck up and bring him back as well. Ben, I hope you are feeling better this week, you probably better rest even if they call you out. I hear there are so many fires in Nor Cal right now. Love you guys. Glenda

Sandi Hooper said...

hey, I don't know what a "bucho" is, but I'd be worried, if I were you. Do buchos eat powdered donuts, plain cake or ones with NAILS sprinkled on them???

I can't wait to see you guys. IS Bonnie coming? She better!

Anonymous said...

a bucho is an earlier version of a bucko ?? or I just know they like ALL THE ABOVE !!
"powdered donuts, plain cake or ones with NAILS sprinkled on them???" (as long as the nails are sweet like me) !!