Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I'm back!!!!!

Well, the good news; I awoke after the surgery and I wasn't looking down from the corner of the surgery room. I take that to mean I didn't have a NDE.
That's a good thing. Slightly rummy, but not a top-down view. Sandi dropped me off about 6:45 am and picked me up about 9:30.
So, no problems. I'm not to pick up anything heavier than a fishing pole for 2 weeks. Doctor's orders. The doctor's a genius!
The nursing staff was the same as the colonoscopy staff; they asked me my name and birth date about 10 times. I guess
they don't want people cutting in line for procedures like this. The last time just before they gave me the drip for the anesthesia.
Anyway, I'm at home watching history being made. No, not my hernia repair, but rather, the presumed nomination of Obama. We
live in an amazing time, medically and politically.



Anonymous said...

Jim, isn't that a drastic thing to do, get a surgery just because you can't lick behind your back legs??!
More like scary times with politics !! It is so hard to believe this is the "BEST" we have to run for president. That and the "gay marriage" in Calif. Oh for the state of Jefferson !! I am really frustrated with what is happening now days.
Then they are wanting to take "in God we trust" off everything. No wonder we are falling to the dogs.

Jim said...

Some guys are more committed, or rather, they should be committed. I think those yoga classes will help out. I wrote in Peter, but I guess that not enough people did the same.
Maybe it's time for the State of Jefferson to rise again. You're right, change is difficult. Hopefully, it'll be a good change.

Anonymous said...

as long as it is MY guy !!

Peter said...

Glad to hear your alright and all went well. A real man would've declined the anesthesia though. THEY DID LEAVE you a real man I hope!

We are living in interesting times. My concern about Obama is best demonstrated by his attendance under Rev. Wrights church. When a church leaves it's purpose and identity as representing Christ, but instead exalts some social agenda, it looses it true purpose and might as well become another lodge. But even worse, when that church reinforces ethnic and cultural diversity to the point of supporting a 'victim' class, it only exacerbates the our divisions. We have no issues with Blacks in our community, why? Because they are just ordinary folk around here. But if they started seeing us as enemies, and themselves as victims, suddenly it becomes true. Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, whites and so on, all are considered equals, and are judged on their personal merit. But let them unite as victims, then we have a real cultural war about to happen. Same as if whites did the same.

Jim said...

I'm pretty sure all my plumbing is in place.

That's a time period that will always follow Obama, even though he has since divested himself of Rev. Wright's church. Too little, to late? We'll see. Much like someone committing a crime, you're always known by that incident. Anytime a preacher starts talking politics it's time to leave. I think that the debates that McCain has requested between himself and Obama will be interesting, a time to see how they differ on the issues that the electorate deems important. If an Obama / Clinton ticket loses in Novemeber, I'll be very surprised.

Peter said...

I'll bet a powdered donut he doesn't take Clinton as VP. Any takers? I'll even take 2/1 odds.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would he take Clinton, much less people vote for her with her hubby hanging onto her coat tail. We got rid of the knuckle head once, why let him put his foot in again.
I think we need less programs, not more that the tax payer has to pay for. Seems the democrats forget that when you "make a program", you end up deeper in the red, not black. Obama and Clinton want to make programs, not find out how to fix what what wrong with what we have.
Case you didn't figure me out... I am a republican. My issues and Obama are soooooo farrrr apart !! He is just like the yahoo's that pulled out of Nam. When you do that, it is as if the people that had been killed had died for nothing. Never forget, Never surrender !! Fight them on their soil and not ours.

Jim said...

Just remember, I prefer glazed.
Does that mean that you're not spending your stimulus check?

Anonymous said...

Peter, I wont even touch that bet. even if it was in $$$$. it would either be it or Al Gore. which leads to a question. would AL be able to serve again as a v.p.?
I think that Jim deserves a powdered donut.
And Sandi, you forget who your bros and sisters are.
one of our favorite past-times is to hijack threads. From cats to e.v..

Anonymous said...

and I already spent my stimulus
anyone seen my bike ? I want a new and bigger one !!

Unknown said...

Alright, I got one fish, are there any others? How about if we raise the stakes to....let say a Chocolate Éclair?

Ben, have you ever seen the proverbial 40 year old kid that stays at home and watches TV. Every time mom or dad asks how the job hunt goes; with the TV blaring in the background and with a soda in his hand, he says, "I couldn't look for a job, I wasn't feeling good this morning". So Ben, this is a hypothetical question, which I haven't settled in my own mind: When do we start looking at Iraq like that 40yr old kid, and tell him to get off his hind end and stop welshing off mom and dad?

Anonymous said...

soon as they quit training terrorists !! and putting them in jail.
To think any job to get rid of terrorists is going to be a quick deal, you have to be looking thru rose colored glasses !!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are OK. That all is well.

As for the donuts, forget the bet, just give me the donuts or e'clairs or whatever.

Hopefully he picks a balanced running mate. Someone to keep him in check. But I still intend to vote for McCain.

Talked to Chuck and we got his retirement papers all filled out ready for him to take in. He was really surprised at how easy it was when we took it one item at a time and figured it out. He sounded really happy and pleased now that he has a plan and it is not so overwhelming. We are supposed to go down the 19th and help him file the papers so by the 20th he should be pretty much figured RETIRED. Illa

Peter said...

That's wonderful Illa. I hate any kind of paperwork and it can seem really insurmountable unless you've been through the process; so glad you and Ben are there to encourage Chuck.

Sandi Hooper said...

Yeah, Dick I must have forgotten to read the memo about y'all jackin' threads! I thought, for example, that THIS thread was about Jim surviving surgery. NOW I see that it's really about the Vietnam war being lost by a bet over powdered donuts over glazed!

I need the instruction manual.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Darn !! I thought the thread was what to wear after an operation and what to take fishing while Sandi made donuts ??!!

Jim said...

OK, Peter, if Obama picks Clinton as his running mate you owe me one dozen fresh glazed bakery donuts, not something that you drag out from under the seat of your PU. If he chooses anyone else I owe you six powdered donuts. I'll share and I'll even buy you bakery powdered.
"I'll bet a powdered donut he doesn't take Clinton as VP. Any takers? I'll even take 2/1 odds."


Peter said...

Hey, wait a minute.