Friday, June 27, 2008

Fog through the redwoods.


Peter said...

I'm having a major biological response to your photo.

Anonymous said...

I think we each have our ideas what heaven must look like, to me this is just a peak at it !! Wonderful shot here, I really need to take another bike ride !!

Jim said...

I'm glad I could assist with that ear-wax draining issue.

Peter said...

Jim, you have your chemicals mixed up. When you observe something that pleases you, it's because there is some mental connection with it. For instance, you were eating a chocolate ice cream when you last were in the Redwoods; so this raises the same mental responses, which in turn releases endorphins that stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. The real question is why were you eating chocolate in the redwoods in the first place? The net conclusion to this, what your experiencing, is an evolutionary response; that you are only a biological animal; or a sophisticated amoeba born from a primordial soup. And it follows- any morals, values or ethics are simply tribal mandates to keep the price of ice cream and donuts from getting too expensive. We wouldn't want to just sit around looking at pictures of redwoods; the greatest endorphin rush comes from multiple stimuli, IE scents of decaying wood, salty fog, coolness on your skin, squishy sounds as you walk, birds chirping, bushes thrashing about as Bigfoot rumbles through the forest and so on. By all means, we should save the Redwoods for their endorphin value.

Anonymous said...

heck with the endorphins, how about just cause they are so cool ??