Sunday, July 13, 2008

I am going to whine...

Well,the last two weeks have been full of a lot of frustration so I am going to whine!! I have so much going on I am not going to plan on being at the reunion. I thought school would be the only thing that would keep me California bound, but I was wrong.

Last weekend my computer developed major problems and it looks like I'm going to have to replace it with another very soon. I really have to have a computer for school. That is a major expense I am not looking forward to!! As I was stewing and feeling sorry for myself (I had a camera in mind that I have wanted to buy for the last 9 months) my daughter Teisha let me know that she plans to move out in September. Well, that in itself is not great news, but considering I cannot afford to live in San Francisco by myself, I have to spend as much time as possible looking for either a place to live or a roommate. Teisha has not liked living out here because we are a long ways out and it costs her extra transporation money because of her very busy lifestyle. Her very best friend came up looking for a roommate, and Teisha decided this was a good opportunity for her. She will pay $300 a month less for rent and the transportation problems will go away. It will be a good move for her.

Actually, I am trying to use this situation to lean on the Lord for strength and trusting Him to provide for me. It is the hard times that help us to build our spiritual muscles! Those of you who pray please pray that I will find a place that will allow me to provide for Lydia when she decides to come home.

I have one more thing to whine about and then I am done!! Whitney and Michelle have decided to baptize the children on the weekend of the family reunion. Now that makes me very sad because they did not know that I was not going to the reunion so how important was it for them to have me at the baptism? I mean these things are very important to a grandmother who prays for her children and grandchildren's spiritual life daily. Do I really mean so little to them that they give absouletely no thought to whether I can attend such a wonderful occassion? I mean this is absolutely the worst of all my pains!!! I think all of you parents understand my thoughts and probably have had to deal with disappointment and hurt with your children as well.

Well, I guess I am done whining. Thanks for listening and I will be praying for all of you as you go to the reunion. I am going to have a rough week this week so keep me in your prayers I love you all. Gi


Anonymous said...

want some cheese to go with the whine? JK
I know your decissions dont come lightly and I for one can understand. The cost of living these days is tough. i am also out an roommate and now i pay full rent with all the expenses that go with it. You will be missed and the reunion wont be the same without you.
Just a heads up on the computer thing. If you decide that you want an apple, you can get and educational discount on one. I think its like 15% if i remember right.
love ya sis

Anonymous said...

Hey sis !! I have to sound mean, but, ..., the idea of going to the baptism or not really should not be a big deal !!! At least they are getting baptized !! Maybe they just wanted it done right away for their own reasons and didn't want to to hassle over which to attend. Just be thankful they are on the path they are !!

Peter said...

Ya know those parents that lock their kids in cages? That's a tiny bit extreme. Mom should have done that to me. Glenda is a lot like mom.

Sandi Hooper said...


With all the problems that you're facing right now, it sounds to me like you NEED this reunion more than the rest of us combined.

I get what you're saying about the baptism. It's a head scratcher, for sure, and I hate to say this, but for this one time in his life, Ben's right!

Just say "Ah, thank you Lord, my prayers have been heard," and let it go.

Your financial situation is tense, but I still think you should come be with us for this one weekend. We need you too. And I for one, would be happy to chip in to help so that this doesn't set you back financially.

Whatever you decide to do, I fully support your decision and send my love with this.


Jim said...

Sorry to hear of your sad news. I’d like to get together with you and vent, but we live too far apart. Do know that I do feel bad for you, and wish I could solve the problems that you’re experiencing. All the negative news seemed to come at one time. I know that at the end of this you will have some huge spiritual muscles. In my life too it seems like ‘bad news’ comes in groups. It’s good to have Someone to turn our problems over to.

In regard to Whitney and Michelle, they are like our kids. They sometimes do things differently than I would and they come to different conclusions than I would have. They do lack the experience that we have, but they’re having their own experiences and growing themselves, as we are. Hopefully, you don’t know the entire story and there’s more to it. Wouldn’t it be interesting if you were to show up unannounced and witness the event?

Love, Jim

Anonymous said...

Guys, I really appreciate all your support. I'm still battling with my emotions this morning, but as I listen to my worship music it takes my mind and puts it in a healthier place (off myself!)

I have decided to go to the baptism, because there are events in the life of my children and grandchildren that I can be ok with missing...this is not one of them. I need my grandchildren to know how important this step is and what it should mean in the way of committment to a belief. Sometimes presence can have a great affect when thru the years I have words to say on these spiritual matters. It is so hard to remember that these kids we raise will do things differently than we would...and in my case, most of the time that is a good thing!!!! Thanks for missing me, thanks for words of encouragement. Love, Glenda

Jim said...

Go ahead and whine, just do it on a regular basis!