Monday, September 7, 2009


Anonymous said...

So,cool, now just to put names to all those beautiful faces, it makes my heart warm so much, God is so Good,........... What a beautiful picture of all of God's Golden Nugget's,...... beautiful, but where is McKenzie, in all of this or did she spend time with her dad....... we are such a special family of God's love and work, what a beautiful future to work towards......

Suzanne said...

This was one of the best reunions ever ! Thank you Jim & Sandy ! I vote we do every other one in Cresent City. It's a great location, great beach and things to do ... Misssed seeing Illa's family, missed Lili & family. I feel we need to be more centrally located for camping, eat together and visit in one camp ... we all seem to stay in our own family groups and that defeats a 'REUNION'.

Can we work on that ... PLEASE !!!!

Claudia said...

i agree about meeting in one central spot. great idea!! i know it's hard when we have little ones but i'm willing to make it work. i loved meeting everyone, you all are a blast.

lueria said...

i think it was a blast. nice. I love the outings. good job sandy and jim. hugs. Its hard to eat together since we all get hungry at different times. But i love the idea of outings like we did.

Maybe each meal at ones camp site. so Dinner friday could be at lueria area, breakfast on sat morning at suzie's area, sat night at illa camp site, and sunday morning at Karen and uncle peter site. Then it moves the family to each site. just change names next year. each family bring a dish. :).


Jim said...

In regard to the location, Sandi and I are open to wherever. I do think that it should be wherever will cause the least amount of trouble for those that have to travel the farthest.
As to meals, someone set up up a schedule so we can have something to plan around. Someone can make this work.
As to activities, it seems like I saw a lot of good conversations going on during what some have referred to as 'The Bataan Death March.' We can always go on shorter hikes and accomplish the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Suzy you beat me to it, and i agree i think CC has a lot to offer for future reunions. it was good having Chardo there and getting to know him a little bit. You should be proud of the man that he has turned out to be.
I wish that Chuck would of stayed and that Illa and the kids could of been more involved.
other than the above i think that the only way it could of been better is if glenda could of come. Oh well, next year.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and whos Claudia ? ;)

ILLA said...

I like the idea of a central camp area as that worked so go at Rouge River. I wish we could have participated more but with Teresa sick it was just better to stay pretty much where we were. As it is I think i have caught what she had. I think it is more than just sinus.

I did enjoy getting to see everyone even if only for a couple of hours. We didn't get to do much at all. Maybe next year we will have all our family co-ordinated better to.I really enjoy going to the coast as I feel better there. Usually. It was good to see so many of Suzies kids there. Glad to see Chardo to. Thank you all. I love you.


Randy, Claudia, and Gonzo said...

We had a very good time and really enjoyed seeing everyone. We were glad that most of you got to finally meet our baby, Gonzalo, after seeing so many pics of him here on the blog.

It's nice to make connections with so many of my uncles, aunts, and cousins because I never got to as a kid. We hope to see you all again very soon!

Teresa Garcia said...

You guys could have come talked to me through the window. I was lonely. As it is, I have to break down and admit it possibly might be more than sinus too. You don't want to know what I get to deal with now, but poor Athena's got it too. Had to keep her home from school today.

Had to argue hard to keep her home, as it was, she threw up three times yesterday and wouldn't tell the nurse just trying to be tough... Then today I had to convince her to come home after getting her work. No fun there.

I did enjoy what I did get to participate in. Having everyone in the same spot would be better, but I'm happy I got to be involved a tiny bit. Too bad mom's potato salad didn't get to go to a pot luck... And I'd brought an eggplant...

Sandi Hooper said...

We enjoyed having the reunion in our host city. Crescent City is a great location. You were all very brave to camp out in the rain. And you made it work. I'm so impressed and inspired by you "kids" in the next generation. You are all so capable, so open and so loving. I meant it when I asked each and everyone of you to consider us as a vacation spot.

Illa and kids--how beautiful your memorial to Ben was. You did an amazing job. I really appreciated you including us all in such a personal moment for you. I'll never forget looking around the circle and seeing everyone's faces as we gazed into the fire remembering Ben's impact on our lives. We never got to give you the things we got for you at Relay for Life this year. I hope we can make connection soon.

I agree with Lueria about the meals--have one central gathering spot each evening. Every branch host the evening meal at their campsite. If everyone keeps it simple, it won't be too hard to do.

Anyway, I am glad to see so many great shots of this gathering. You are a wonderful family. Take care, and remember to send us all photos of you during this coming year, ok?
