Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Just to let you know, Jess has his last treatment Thursday, in the pool, still having pain in the leg, and he feels that the ride to the reunion would be to hard, and I tend to agree, with him. His leg turns purple when he has it down to much, and still in a lot of pain.

I am happy that he is doing so well, but he was really hurt, and it is going to take time, his walking is good but needs a cane, and is working to get better, so I will be staying home with him, and work to getting what we need to work on,... as he did not do this while I was down helping my brother, Jess was so great in understanding Chucks needs. Also Jess was able to do what he needed to do, while I was gone, doing housework, and what he needed for his own good.

So, much needs to be done, and we did see the lawyer, and he agrees Jess is in no shape to take care of the place in St. Helen's, so we are needing to empty the place, and he will see to the last xray, then we meet the lawyer for the settlement.

So, will be moving everything out of St. Helen's, and move him forward, he is thinking of signing on for another 6 months. We just don't know what to do, but he needs to be where he can be able to walk and get around in the area. Jess is having to make some big changes, for himself, and he is not to happy, but with the recovery, it will take time.


Teresa Garcia said...

Will be sorry not to see you guys, but there is next time. Meanwhile, the important bit is healing, so I'm looking forward to seeing you guys at a later date.

Peter said...

We'll really miss you guys. Maybe you have, but I don't remember you ever missing a reunion. We're glad that you are working together on Jess's healing.

Jim said...

I sure hope that Jess' progress in healing is faster from here on out. I remember my leg hurting if I had it down too long too after that RV hit me. It only hurt for about 4 weeks. Jess has had to deal with it a lot longer.