Sunday, September 27, 2009

News from McCloud

Well, the kids and I are doing fine. Athena's had a mild form of the swine flu, but she came through that beautifully. She's to be tested to get some extra help with her school work as well.

Athena goes to church as often as she can. She enjoys the sermon more than the classes.

Merlin enjoys getting to sit in front of the nearest church every morning, as the parking lot there is where he gets picked up from for his trip to school. So Monday through Friday, he and I watch the sky change together, cuddle under a blanket to keep warm, and admire the beauty around us.

I've been keeping busy taking care of the kids and catching up on some art projects I'd committed to for a role play gamesite, Dragon Hearts (link), that I help out with. Currently I finally finished the image version of the game map, though some time in the future there will have to be additions as the map is slated to expand in the next game version. I also have several landscape scenes to paint for area display as the players wander the map. The ones I've finished so far are forest, sea, and mountain... I have several other land types to complete, so the project isn't done yet. I do have what's been completed so far up in my Deviant Art (link) portfolio though.

That's been definite practice for my artistic skills, and showing just the forest scene to some people around here, I've been told I should make myself available for custom greeting and holiday cards.

Other than this, not much has been going on. Kids have been happily playing with friends, not-so-happily doing school work, and eating so much I suspect a growth spurt is due soon... yet again. Must be something in the water... *laughter*

~Teresa, Athena, Merlin, Lightning, Banzai


Illa said...

I am glad all is well. The swine flu has been bad here in the valley. Seems like everyone here had it to some degree. I think even you and I.

I am well and progressing on the deck. It is about half done. I ran out of decking boards so have to get some more. I am getting the final supports up so that it will be ready when I get the rest of the wood. I got some help today setting the last posts in cement.

It has been really hot here. I think I am about ready for some cooler temps.

Glad that things are going well for you art wise. That is cool. I am glad that Athena likes church so much. I did as a kid.

Have a good evening and talk to you later.

Love to all. Illa

Peter said...

Athena is such a unique young lady! We're glad she is recovered from the flu. So far our area hasn't been hit very hard. But then just a few miles down the road it can be bad. Looks like rain in the next couple days, we'll send some to you Illa.

lueria said...

glad to hear from you. I know mac had it july from big lake youth camp. a week she was better. But took 2 weeks to get going.

hugs thanks for sharing.

Jim said...

Good to hear that you're able to be with your kids and pursue your art projects. Any time spent enjoying time with your kids or doing making art is time well spent in my book.

Ben Garcia said...

doing that even proper grammer? :-P

ILLA said...

And this from a kid that didn't like English?? See, ya did remember something. Didn't get any rain. Did get 21 degrees tho. Supposed to be colder tonight. Have the heat on. Ordered the last of the lumber. I hope. Will be in on Tue. I will still have to get some more 2x4's and sheets of 3/4 in wafer board for the extended roof but that will have to wait. It is now down to piece meal as I get the funds. But most of it is done and most of all, PAID FOR. So talk to you all later. love you guys.


Anonymous said...

hey BJ, it dont make no differance. english aint even english.