Monday, January 25, 2010

butternut squash

3.95, butter- 1.50, brown sugar-.50, gas to go to store 1.00, time to bake-45 min, time to fix to get ready to eat 10 min.
The look on Chucks face when he took his first bite.... PRICELESS.

He didnt care for it much. it was like a kid trying a lemon for the first time. Thats ok, more for me.
Its kind of strange. he will watch the same thing 2 or 3 times in a row, and each time its like the first time he has seen it.


Peter said...

Sounds interesting. I'd probably agree with Chuck though.

other said...

well, that explains alot.

lueria said...

lol, too funny. I can picture it. hugs to both of you.

lueria said...

lol, too funny. I can picture it. hugs to both of you.

Jim said...

Too bad youi couldn't take a picture. It sounded like it was a 'Kodak moment.'

Hey! What's so strange about watching a show more than once and acting like it's the first time I've seen it? I do that all the time with Bigfoot shows. Heck, I've even been knwon to read a book more than once.

The good news is that a person only needs one channel...or one book.


Claudia said...

Funny, G makes that face when I try to give him new foods but he always comes back for more.

Glad you're keeping him on his toes.

Sandi Hooper said...

I LOVE bnut squash. I just had some dehydrated ones cut into thin chips with a light sprinkle of salt. They were DELISH! I say, more for YOU.