Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Chuck is doing pretty good. he has his lucid times of day, usually shuts down about 2-3pm. Hes actually doing a little more walking without the walker, but its very limited. I really think its an issue with his brain not connecting messages to his legs. or vise-versa. he comes to a complete stop. if i take the walker away and let him use me to balance himself he does great. I did hear an odd noise in the bathroom the other day. i walked in and he was just getting up from a little fall. nothing hurt or bruised or bleeding or broken. I asked him what happened. he said "nothing" i told him he was lying to me and he laughed and them admitted he lost his balance.
anyway that is all that is happening in the world of the commiefornia. going to go see Glenda for the weekend. FINALLY get some time off. Carlene has been coming over on sundays so i can go to church and have a couple of hours to myself, and give chuck a break.
Chuck says Hi to everybody!!! no lie.


Peter said...

Well Dick, glad to hear that Chuck is going to get a break from the hard time your giving him! Ha! Have a restful time.

Sandi Hooper said...

good work. I love hearing how you give it back to him, I know he loves that. Have FUN with Glenda this weekend and tell her we send a hug.

Ohma put his paw on me as I typed this. I take that to mean, "Tell Dick howdy!" --not that he wants soup.

Claudia said...

You're doing a great job Dick. I'm sure Chuck appreciates all the help and talking back,haha. G says "HI!". Take care and enjoy the weekend.

Jim said...

I hope that you appreciate the time with Glenda. Thanks for all that you're doing.

Anonymous said...

hey jim, you need to come down for a week or so. :) I know you got to ahhhh sharpen the chain-saw. wash the truck. watch G-man. all the important stuff.
Thanks everyone.

Anonymous said...

and give om a pat on that big ol head for me.

Lili said...

Dear Dick, so great to hear, how it is. I do feel you are good med. for him, and do understand what you mean.

I have talked to Mitch, and I do understand, he was just starting to have trouble with some stuff, but sounds like it's his brain also, and I do know what you mean, I was busy there, and did not get day's off, laugh. Worked my butt off, but it was worth it, he's a great brother, but I do feel that it's better with him, with a man with some of what he is dealing with.

My day's were busy with him, and I was able to have a few minutes, but at least you have a bed, not on the floor, laugh!!! Hugs to both

Anonymous said...

lili, you dont have a clue whats going on with chuck. Things are a lot different than when you were down here.