Wednesday, January 13, 2010

funny thing

so yesterday Chuck and I went to get our haircuts. We walked thru the door and the guy says "twins". i said nope. just brothers.
Today we were at Chucks auto mechanic. we walked thru the door and the guy says "your brothers, huh?" His first thought was father and son. When i told him we were only 3 years apart he felt bad.
I dont know how to feel about this.


Claudia said...

Sounds like when I asked a lady when she was due and she then proceeded to tell me she wasn't pregnant. I felt SO bad. I'm definitely losing some weight after I have this baby. But my sister and I always get the twin question and she always answers, "Yeah, I'm HER age!". We're six years apart. We're thinking about you two.
---Claudia, Randy, Gonzo, and Baby #2

Lili said...

laugh, the man that does his hair, knows he has twins in the family. Lot of neat places there........ I so enjoyed going out with Chuck and see all that we shared, I look forward to coming down sometime, when I have things done here, and will give you a break.
Love your sis Lili

Sandi Hooper said...

This cracks me up. Especially the father and son thing. I hope you decked the guy, uh, after your haircut....

Teresa Garcia said...

You just look younger than you really are, that's all. I can still pull off 12 if I really feel like going to all the trouble.