Sunday, August 5, 2007

Good Guys and Tattoos

Now we know these two indisputable facts; the moon is made of cheddar cheese and Suzie only does things in response to other people's opinions.

Actually, we know Suzie doesn't need our approval, but I'm going to give it any way. I am very happy for her choice of Darrell. Or maybe I should be saying, I am happy in Darrell's choice of our littlest sister! Regardless, what a great guy.

Seems our family is growing in many good ways; a couple of years ago I met Rich, Lueria's husband. Me coming from a generation where altering your body meant more than something cosmetic, and now having become a little old fashioned, I'll admit, I always wonder about someone who is pierced, tattooed. Believe it or not, I had an earring for awhile. But my girlfriend at the time yanked it out. Then, a man wearing an earring was Avant guard. A sign of being different, but with me it was a sign of rebellion. In my society (60z surfer) you seldom saw men wearing them. But I was a Hippy, and as you know, Hippies think they have to stand out. Thus the long hair, dress, beads etc. Then as hippydom became more popular, many of us tried to think of new ways to 'be different'. I found a way to do so permanently – to be plain an ordinary.

Unless some fellow is wearing mesh panties and a bra, it's becoming more impossible to judge someone by what he has on externally; if you do, you'll almost certainly be wrong. Tattoos, dress, earrings are no longer signs of rebellion, just more ways to identify oneself with what you believe in. There's no more evil in it than wearing a Yankee's t-shirt. Wait a minute, bad example.

All that to say, from my brief conversations with Darrell and Rich, they have brought some great qualities to the family. I am looking forward to knowing them better. And I can't tell you how happy I am for the girls. Peter Sr.


Anonymous said...

now wait a minute ??!! I still have a pierced ear and have had a tattoo from in the army days. so, are you saying I am the back sheep of the family ?!! me

Anonymous said...

I have a pierced ear also, but never got a tatoo.
I think im the only sailor that never had one.
and as to the above comment.
YES!!! because you didnt sign

Peter said...

Yea, well you made my point, your both 'old' rebels! Peter