Thursday, August 16, 2007


Personally I'm addicted to food; every time I try to quit, I fail! Or, I come up with a plan to lay off for a while, then Dick shows up with some smores; or my mother in law shows her appreciation for taking out her garbage by baking me a pie- then she watches me to see if I have a look of satisfaction while eating it. I don't know why, but every year just before Thanksgiving I think, 'alright, I'm definitely going to give my stomach muscle a break', Then Karen's side of the family cooks this huge bird, it pretty lean healthy meat, but it's dry and you don't expect me to eat it without gravy do you? Then before you know it the devil sends my neighbor over with a giant plate of holiday candy. She doesn't wait around, but I know she's going to ask how I liked the truffles and the peanut brittle and her new recipe for fudge, so I can't hurt her feelings can I? Yea, smoking probably isn't the best thing to do, but I think food kills more Americans. Pray for me, will ya? But don't start till after the holidays. Peter


other said...

lol !! guess we each have our own vices !! Got to admit though, that one I never fight, I just surrender to it with a grin !! Ben

Anonymous said...

After finding I have diabetis and changing my diet for the last couple of months. I find that i am not missing the foods that i used to love.
Im having to get more creative with my evening meal.
Brown rice, chicken and mixed vegetables is my latest favorites.

2things i miss the most
Ice cream- getting used to eating yogurt and look forward to my evening snack.
Pizza - talk about something that puts on the pounds and i have a hard time digesting.

Milk on cereal - Im using Rice or almond milk with kashi shreaded wheat HMMMM u.
now my menu is as follows
breakfast = all grain toast with almond butter and brewers yeast on top. or the cereal with rice milk
3 hrs later a necterine and a plum
lunch - Aveggi barrito or a turkey or chicken sanwhich.
2-3 hrs later crackers, banana, plum
Dinner - corn on the cob, veggi pati, red bell pepper.
evening snack- yogurt, some more all grain crackers.
So needles to say im not starving to death, just watching my carbs and sugar intake.
Still like to have my nonfat venti mocha though.
needless to say im actually feeling pretty good.
plus i think that the gloucose is actually getting into my blood cells now.

Anonymous said...

oh and Peter.
How Karen doing? keep us apprised (sp)

Peter said...

Slowwwwwly but surely, she is getting better. Still has to walk with a walker. She can't travel very far but is able to go to town to do her pool exercises. In a couple of months she'll be waiting on me hand and foot, and spoiling me in a manner in which I've grown accustomed. Thanks

Jim said...

Were you thinking of the 4th of July holiday? Any particular year? I don't want to put in my order and request anything ahead of time if you're not ready for it.

Sandi Hooper said...

Fighting addictions is not fun, but finding the underlying cause of the addiction is what fascinates me. What does it say about our society, and about us as individuals that we do things that are self-destructive and then weave the fabric of our very society around the customs and excuses and beliefs that allow us to live in a state of perpetual self-destruction? I'm thinking of my own relatives who give gifts that are unhealthy and take terrible offense if these "goodies" are not relished as delightful morsels.

What ever happened to just telling someone you love them?

Dick, glad you're digging on your brown rice and chicken man. Hope that lasts forever! I only knew one person who could make brown rice palatable. I'd rather have bulger wheat with flax seed in it. Easier to fix...

Anonymous said...

the brown rice i get is from trader joes and it takes about 4 minutes to nuke. its probobly been precooked and then frozen. its pretty good stuff

Peter said...

So true Sandi, Tis a very complicated subject, there is that we get into that eventually dominates us. And it doesn't only apply to physical things. The bible gives many commands (and suggestions) that we dismiss, feeling 'we can handle it'. Then we find we can't. Money is a good example. A verse says, it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to get to heaven', but most of us think "I could be an exception". What I've found, the longer I am financially successful, the easier it is for me to trust in money, the less I pray etc. It would be too simplistic to say, 'ok, I'll take a vow of poverty'. Instead, what God wants is a mature, balanced individual who knows his (her) limitations, and spiritually grows to a point where we are neutral to either side. I've found this journey, is a worthy adventure, but it is a long, long one. Personally, I only see the glow of the city in the distance, which, taken my age, I'm sure I won't reach till I die. But, by the way, it's not the reaching it (in this life)that is God's point, it is the honest pursuit. The great thing is that the inner person does change on this trek. Outer demonstration of our inner person, like a Mohawk haircut, grow to neutrality. Eating no longer is a comfort, because we feel secure (if that was the reason). Money isn't a god, because we have found God really takes care of us sufficiently. Drugs no longer appeal to us, because 'life' is just fine the way it is. And we cope in better ways.

Anonymous said...

Toltec and then Mohawk as examples ? Hey !! Didn't they both get run over in history ?!!

Jim said...

Good point, but, the essence of their message and culture are back. If we do not learn from the past, we're bound to repeat it. Suggestion: read selection one first.