Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What I am thankful for.

For me, all too often, I am willing to complain about something much sooner than I am willing to be thankful for what I have. Human nature you say, I’m REAL human then. But, I’m really glad I’m not a turkey, but some people have called me one before. Unless, of course my name is ‘May’ or ‘Flower.’ But even those turkeys to will have a very short moment in the sun of Disney World before their names fade into the gravy of the past. Come now, have you ever seen a turkey from years’ past? Unless, of course, it’s me.

Anyway, thanks, that’s what started out here. For all of us, things could have been much worse than what they ended up to be. Life is good, too good at times. Not that I want anything to change. All I wish for, is for me to take the time to appreciate what I have more often. But, it seems in the everyday frenzy of life I can’t or don’t slow down enough to live in the now and appreciate the present. I too often try to change things of the past and worry about the future. The present is all I really have.

So, let me just say, I love our family…all branches of it. Even the leaves that feel that they are left out. I think I can learn something from everyone, if given a chance. This blog for me allows me to see inside of whom you are and you into me.

So, just know that I’ll be thinking of you all as we sit down with our own respective families. I’ll lift a drumstick in your honor and give you and yours a hearty cheer.

Something that always helps to ground me is to reread the poem, Desiderata, that I believe helped shape me into who I am. Go to my blog to read it.



other said...

Great poem, thanks. Peter

Sandi Hooper said...

Bunny, you nut! I'm thankful for YOU. You turkey 'o my heart, come jump in the gravy boat with me and let us sail off to mashed potato land on a sea of cranberry sauce. And let it always be so...

amen and amen.

Anonymous said...

jim and sandy,
GET A ROOM!!!!!!

Jim said...

For those that don't listen to the news (like my wife), May and Flower are the names of the turkeys that have pardoned my President Bush. They are to be flown First Class to Disney World to serve as Grand Marshals in the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Jim said...

typo correction: not 'my,' but 'by.' This is a simple gesture by President Bush to salve his conscious as he sits down to eat a drumstick tomorrow of 'Yesterday.' 'Yesterday' is one of the 25,234,874 turkeys that weren't pardoned.

Anonymous said...

Now don't be bashing Bush !! At least he tries, I doubt any of us could do better. Plus the fact he is SO FAR better than any of the Clinton clan !!

Peter said...

Oh, oh, we're getting into politics here. So far we've survived discussion of religion, now things will get really hot. Where's Chuck when we really need him, he loves politics? Ok, we'll have to do our best, I might as well get into it too - I'm voting for the Turkey!

Anonymous said...

thanx Peter, but I'm not running !!

Jim said...

Turkey pardoning, it's a Presidential thing, not a Party thing, and both parties have had to salve their conscious before sitting down to their Thanksgiving dinner. So, there are no guilt-free parties. I haven't made my choice on voting yet. It's far too early for me. I have a hard time voting the party line.

Jim said...

Ben, I think you should run. Think this through before you say, "No, America, I have decided not to run." I could say to my students, "See, that's my brother up there on channel 3. That's right, MY brother!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh brother !! why bother ?!!