Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do your kids know what love is?


Have you ever thought about it? What is love? What actually happens when two sets of eyes meet and they 'fall in love'? Is there something physical that happens, or is it something spiritual? What is the actual mechanism that triggers this feeling of 'being in love'?

If you watch much TV, you hear it all the time, “I just don't love him anymore”, or, "mom, I think I'm in love". When you hear something like that, shouldn't it provoke questions like, what has happened? What actually ceased or started, that was there or stopped in their relationship?

Love can be an emotion, an action; a feeling; a generally disposition. Love can be a simple decision. There's diverse types of love, because there is 'mother love'; brother love; God's love; love among friends; and romantic love. All which provoke different responses and emotions in us. You wouldn't respond to your mother, who you dearly love, the way you would a finance. Both are very strong feelings, but somehow different. Like the song, 'When a man loves a women', if a man had to choose between his mother or a lover, it really wouldn't be a question of who he loves more; it would be more, how he loves them differently.

We "love" our dogs, our pet rats, our parents, siblings, kids and spouses. I've heard of people loving their pet crickets! Does our love for them give them value? Or has this thing, or person have intrinsic value, and everyone should love them (love me, love my dog)?

Where do most people get their views about love? From TV, love songs, feelings? Wouldn't it be better to get our understanding about love, from the One who is Love? I'm suggesting this would save a heap of trouble for us and our kids, if we led them this way. 1John 4.7-8

1 comment:

Jim said...

I couldn't agree more. Someone should write a book about that idea.