Friday, April 25, 2008

Again. Talking points.

We have a saying around our house, "No news is good news." I take the lack of posting as a good sign.

Things have been pretty slow for me too other than the fact its been REALLY hot around here. Peter didn't show up to stack my wood and, well, it's still waiting. Remember, I can 'legally' be lazy since I found out I have a hernia. I can't do anything real heavy until I recoup. Of course, I'm not getting it dealt with until the 1st of June, so, Peter still has time to 'redeem' himself in my eyes.

I had a Release Day on Wednesday to go visit other schools with a beginning teacher and it still seems like a long week.

Let's just say I'm recycling a post that had interest in the past.

In the interest of learning more about each other, and who we all are, I’d like to suggest a number of varied topics to comment about. This should help define how each of us feel about a specific topic as well as help us to recognize what we have in common.

Let’s vote on a topic and then I’ll introduce a question to further explore that topic.

Ground rules: Openness to others opinions, non-personal discreditations of those views different than your own, a learning experience for all.
Let’s vote:
1. Global warming
2. Purpose of life
3. What makes a happy person
4. What you’d do different next time
5. Price of fuel and how it affects you
6. Who or what is ‘God’ to you?
7. Recent new story: i.e. "Bitten while on toilet, woman drowns rat"
8. ?????

The order has no preference.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of topics, but rather a starting point. You can be “deep as a saucer” or “sharp as a tack.”



Anonymous said...

wow .. this family is defiantly not real deep .. brother. Maybe we should dicuss fashion or movies !!

Anonymous said...

I do think the cage got rattled a bit with the political differences we have !! lol Seems Illa and I are the only republicans, good thing we live in a different state than most of the group .