Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reunion Weekend

I can be totally flexible with wherever you guys want to go, however, for the next two summers I am commited to school. Unless there is some major project due I should be able to schedule studies around that weekend. Unfortunately I won't know until I receive the syllabus for my summer class which starts sometime in the middle of June. You guys make plans and I will go with the flow as long as there is a hotel not to far away. Love you all - Gi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glenda, there is a town about 10 miles from there at the Rouge. Not to far at all !! We can go and get some fancy coffee there !! The dates do cover part of the weekend, Starts on a thursday and ends on a monday, hope you can make it. I hate to think Illa and I need to go to Frisco to visit but if we have to.... we will !! lol, just remember, I want to go to the museum there again, last time we had been there the relics from Ireland had been on display. Is the Japanese Garden still there?! That is a great place too.