Saturday, April 26, 2008

Some will provide fresh barbecue for the reunion!



Sandi Hooper said...

Jess to the rescue! And, isn't that Peter's rig in the background?

THANK YOU Peter for FINALLY giving us some good stuff to talk about!!!

Anonymous said...

I just might have only salad !! You never can tell what meat will show up now !!?

Bonnie said...

So that is what happened to Peters dog.

It's a good thing you didn't show a picture of my dogs, you'd be in deep doo doo Peter.

Peter said...

Whadayamean? I didn't say anything about dog! They'll probably bring hot dogs, or hamburgers. But, what's the difference besides emotional attachment? George is looking 'fat' and happy.

Jim said...

Warning: Keep 'yer pets away from Peter.

Dick said...

... and Ben