Monday, April 7, 2008

Bonnie and westward bound !!

 Bonnie said she was having trouble getting on the blog but wants all to know she is headed to See Suzy tuesday, the 7th. !! Her cell number is the same so if you want to call her you should be able to get her on it. (the last sentence are my own input) lol
 If all goes well, Illa and I will head up there sunday the 13th., sheeeeshhh, maybe I am pressing my luck trying it on the 13th. ?!! lol    bg


Dick said...

dont know my schedule yet. but Im usually comming back from medford on wednesday night and thursday morning. i wont know till next week if im going down or not. ill let you know. one way or the other.

Sandi Hooper said...

Hope your trip is a good one Bonnie and that you find time for a walk on the beach with me. I have so much to tell you!

Anonymous said...

o.k., for those that are not aware, Bonnie did make it to Oregon !! I talked to Dick tonight and found out I didn't have a lot of stuff installed on this laptop !! Sheesh, just when I think I am getting the hang of it I find out I haven't even skimmed the top layer yet !
We are going to try and see Suzi this coming sunday if things go right ! If we miss anyone, we will be taking an ocean rode side trip this summer. That is we will see the ocean and drive on the road next to the shore.

Anonymous said...

Be careful, don't trip!