Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Family Reunion Thoughts & Opinion

Hi Guys - just a note so we can get a few opinions here. My main concern with changing the date for the family reunion is for our younger generation and the many family commitments they have. It is very hard these days to plan vacations for families with children and work considerations. I know that it is hard to get everyone to agree on a specific date, but that is the main reason we need to make a date and then keep it. That way people have a whole year to decide how they want to prioritize their time for one weekend out of 52.

If we keep our date consistent each year we will get better and better at our attendance and how well we can enjoy each other in a very short time frame. This year I thought it would be great to plan some evening activities (perhaps some talent show thing each age group could take part in) for the younger kids. That way we have something to get them excited about and hopefully make it a little easier to get to know them. Now the Lake of the Woods does have a variety of offerings, such as cabins, tent spaces, RV spaces etc, but we have to book early, hence the "pressure" to make some decisions a long time in advance. To me the place isn't as important as making sure we find something that can meet all our needs. If there is a cheaper offering - let's here about them!!

Well, let me know what thoughts are out there - I love you all and enjoy hearing what is going on in your lives through the blog - Love, Glenda


Peter said...

Glenda who? Just kidding. Good points all. Not to diminish anyone's value at all. But if we change the date for one, we'll almost always ruin it for another, so that hardly ever works; but miracles do happen.

Dick said...

so whats the issue with the weekend we already planned?

Sandi Hooper said...

Yeah Glenda, I hear you. Jim and I still don't understand how word got out that the date needed to change. Let alone the place. It appears that some conversations took place and not everyone was in on the updates...I'm not sure.

We know nothing about what's going on with Ben going to court on the weekend, and I'm under the impression that Suzi hasn't set the official date for the wedding yet.

I don't think it's a matter of anyone wanting to change the plans that were already made last summer. I think some are just saying that they may be late, delayed or unable to make it this year.

Is my understanding correct, or is there some piece of the puzzle that has not been put out there?

If anyone has information that they haven't shared with Jim, I hope that they will post it or email him.

I really enjoyed seeing everyone's children and grand kids this past summer. I hope that it happens again, but I know that when our kids were little we were only able to get it to happen a couple of times. It's tough.

Someday, we will all be together and time and pressure will not be a factor. Until then, let's work to make it happen as many times as we can. You guys are amazing to even try to make this happen. I only have 3 surviving siblings, and we can't seem to get it to happen--even for funerals!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your input, Sandi. I'm not real sure what the concerns are. But I would like to add that the tent sites, drive through sites and RV sites are available at Lake of the Woods along with the cabins. If we can find another site where we could be at the same place it just seems to use our time better. To make the reunion happen requires effort on the part of each of us. Money and time - we just need to ask ourselves what are we willing to invest? There will always be reasons why it is hard to do...what are the reasons why we want to do it? What do we want our younger generation to take away with them as they enter into adulthood and carry on the heritage that we were handed and have consequently handed them? I personally want to change my family history in the future generations. I wish my children would have had an extended family to laugh with, laugh at and connect to. That design God originally intended for us as human beings is a vital part for a happy and well-balanced life. Sometimes relatives are an example of what we don't want to be and sometimes we want them as a role model and sometimes we just don't understand the difference until we are "old" like me; but boy, oh boy, how wonderful to have connection somewhere!! Our Executive Chef is 41 years old and raised in group homes...last year when he heard I was headed to a family reunion in Oregon he dropped his tough man persona and said, "I want to be a part of a family." For a moment we connected and then the tough guy was back. I'm so grateful for you all...each and everyone of you give me a feeling that somebody, somewhere loves me every minute of the day.