Thursday, April 17, 2008


MY FELLOW AMERICANS, oh, I guess I'm not running for office. The agreement so far is 1.) Date is the same 2.) to name a place and we all vote. Here is what I have to offer:
• Camping spots
• Creek for kids
• Frizbee Golf
• Hiking
• Cougar hunting (cameras only)
• Fishing (catch and release)
• Boating (Radio controlled only)
• Mole hunting
• Cost, only $1. a night


No Dick, you can't vote twice!
PS Old people will park by the house, 2nd and 3rd gens, in the orchard.


Anonymous said...

Peter and Karen, as much as I love to visit you guys there, I really don't want to vote for your place, rather Rogue River. I think the idea of us all would just be too much of a strain on you guys (especially Karen) !!
No matter how much we would try and not make a mess, we are just to many and you know you both would go crazy trying to spruce up before and after !! In the park we don't have to worry about it and the guys can pick up the trash.
p.s. we put in a spot at Rogue but if we are outvoted we will change it.

Jim said...
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Jim said...

Four score and seven years ago.......wait a minute, I'm not that old. But, Peter's right, we all are Americans.

Cougar hunting, boating, mole hunting, and Frisbee golf, how can we resist? Wait and minute, he didn't say searching for Bigfoot, did he? Forget it. And, I do have enough gophers in our own yard, I really don't need to hunt for moles too.

All these are very tempting opportunities, but I do agree with Ben, it would put a lot of pressure on Karen (think, Peter, think). Sheeeesh.......

Besides, Peter may rig it so that you have to park in the next county and walk in.