Thursday, July 31, 2008

For Ben: 'Nuff said.

Get a napkin BEFORE you click the title.



Dick said...

Me thinks somebody needs a REAL job.

Anonymous said...

or a kayak & water run!!

Jim said...

The kayak is just out of range on the left. I took it out and waited patiently watching the surf for a break. I waited until 3 good waves came in and the area was high with water. I didn't see any more swells rolling in so I jumped in and paddled like crazy to get out past the surfline. Just at the point I couldn't turn around a swell humped up in front of me. A surfer would have taken a wave like that...going with it, and not against it, like I was. I paddled all the more furiously to get over the top BEFORE it broke on me. I didn't, it did. The boat took about 3 inches of water and was like paddling a log. It was a kodak moment, but I didn't want to release the paddle. I paddled out a little more and turned around. Coming back in was easy and generally that's the hard part. I've been out fishing a couple times last week in the same place, but in the two-person kayak. This is the wettest I've been in awhile. Oh well, it was a nice day even though wet clothes don't dry very fast in 90% humidity.
Come on, let's go.


Sandi Hooper said...

Wish we were back there right NOW bun!

Anonymous said...

that really sounds like a blast !!! I am envious of ya !!!