Sunday, August 3, 2008

How Quickly One Forgets !!

This past week I had been feeling really down. So much so I didn't even want to work on my bike !! (and that's a "red flag" warning for me !! LOL It took Illa to figure it out. I had been back on my cancer pills as of monday and was taking a "double issue", I cut down to what I should be taking and felt a little better, today was the first day without any pills. I felt MUCH better today !! I am back to one week on and one off. I should have been taking them before the reunion but didn't want to feel bad during it. So those that like to gripe about how hard it was on their schedule,... guess what, I really don't want to hear it !!!!!


Anonymous said...

To a MUCH lesser degree I know how you feel. It's amazing how much pills and medication that we take can affect us. Also, I might add, Welcome Back to the school year letters from your principal. I was just getting into a summer groove, I really didn't need any letters like that!

Hey, I know you just wanted to gripe, but I did want to comiserate with you. I do hope that the pills are really doing their job and not just making you feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I was saying how glad I am Illa told me I was taking to many pills !!
As for griping..., that was not griping, just truth and to the point. I have nothing to gripe about, the young children with medical problems can, not me. I feel lucky to be alive still !! I never expected to live to be 20. lol All the things I have done and been thru...., no gripe here, just thanx to still be kicking.

Sandi Hooper said...

Thank Heavens for Illa! That woman is solid gold, you know it?

Oh yeah. I guess you DO know it!!! Glad you're still "kickin' " too!
