Monday, December 15, 2008


It is so wonderful the snow, it is like a cleansing and covering the ugly we see, it's reminds me of how God must see us. All the hurts that we carry, and scares of the world. The blanket of beauty, like the snow, covering us and hiding the scares of this world. The crispness of the air, reminds me of how clear the breath of the clean air in the new world.

Also all the joy of seeing us, as a family, without the hurts, and no worry that our words will not hurt any of us,... as all that was is past. We also will share an understanding of the hardships of sin, that other worlds have never had to go through. How blessed we will be to raise our voices in praise and song, as Faith's are united in song to God and His Blessed Son.

What a time to look forwards in song, with all that are saved and in Heaven, singing songs to he angels in praise, and thanksgiving. We will be all one in Spirit and song. The hug's of those we love that have gone on before us... Also the time to share the love of a special family, and all hurts aside.

We are all one Faith, in God's eye's. I see the Sabbith, as a time, that God set aside to meet with us. When you think of time on the earth, and time in other lands.
He has set an appointment, like we set to see other's or our Dr.s, to reserve this time so that we can meet. Also that set's the time in the other times of this world so that he can have His time with each area of the world. As He created the world, and rested on the Sabbith, God also set a time for this world, in our time slot, so he could have this special time of creation, on our world.

I love each of you and am wanting o paint the ceiling with the star's, of the day when Christ ws born or what they think is the time. With the programs now in place we can back track this. Haven't had time to do so, as I have been busy, but this is one of the projects.

Also around it I am putting each of us and our children in the painting in a circle. I am going to use what I do have in pictures for this.

Love and Happy holidays I love you all Lili

1 comment:

Jim said...

There's much to look forward to, now and in the future.