Friday, December 26, 2008

St. Helens

We come home with the showing power was lost, also, the back roof over the patio, came down and part of the wood shed roof came down..... cat's in the RV ok, but out of food, though those outside, had to garage to go for food. Many tracks going into the garage, big and small. Can not go up the driveway as the snow is still deep, and have 2 feet at least in the back. We took pictures so we can put on the blog., but need to figure out to download it, as it's short on memory at this time.

We had so much fun at Suzy with her kids, they had a great Christmas, though the boy's did not make it in. Broke my glasses, snow was soft to fall into, laugh. I have had fun in it, and love to see it.

Our Border Collies we glad to see us home, as or washer and drier are knocked over with the roof coming down, what a life, laugh. We think we had three feet of snow in the back, it's great, deep to take down a roof, OK. Love to all


Jim said...

OK Lili, you and Jess get a pass for the time about not building a snowman. It sounds like you have more than a few things to rebuild before you can concentrate on building a snowman. At least you had an enjoyable time at Suzi's house.


Anonymous said...

glad you had fun. If you need help call. Im here for you. love you all.

Peter said...

Wow, what an ordeal. Sounds like you have the right attitude to deal with it. Glad your pets (kids) are ok. You definitely have the record for snow fall.

Anonymous said...

We have about a foot. The kids have probably 2 feet. We spent Christmas dinner at BJ's and Aprils. Good food, good company.

Our county supervisor came and plowed out my driveway. Which was really cool. He was out plowing out other people and I joshing asked if he would do mine. He said yeah, would be there about dark. I really didn't think he would as he is really busy, but there he was. Just tool bad he wasn't there Thursday am as that is when I got stuck. At least I had 4 wheel drive to get unstuck. I am going to have to invest in studded tires. Our plan was to get a set this winter but things changed. Oh well, they will just be put off till next month. Probably won't need them then but who knows. We have an acct. at Les Schwab so might even talk to them about getting them earlier.

Hope you are getting things under control Lili. We know how it is when things get swamped by snow. Take care working in it. We were below zero again last night. To night is close again. But we still have water. The pump house is doing ok now.

Talk to you all later. love from all of us.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lili! Can you email me your mailing address? Your Christmas card came back from the St. Helens address.
