Sunday, December 14, 2008

looks like we are snowed in with kids, sorry

I hate to brake the bad news but we can't make it. We need to go over the mountains and with the 4 kids and no studs I don't like the idea. Please forgive me but my momma voice doesn't want to chance it. I have seen 5 cars hit each other today. So please forgive me. I love you all and its a hard decision but Rich and I have talked today about it. Unless it warms alot by friday It looks like i'm stuck at home. Love you all.



Jim said...

Yeh, I'm praying for a snow day....for the next 4 days.

Peter said...

I guess Portland has it really bad. I suppose we do to, we've had 6" in the last 6 hours. Next couple of days is supposed to be real cold. We're praying the highways will be clear in a few days.

Anonymous said...

im going fishing for steelhead on wednesday no matter :)

Anonymous said...

we have chains and our tires are all weather, we are hoping to connect with Jim and Sandy, also I am packing the car for an early leave. Will go over to Lisi Thursday night to leave early in the morning Friday. Lili

Jim said...

Going fishing, aye? I may be feeling bad one day this week.

We plan on leaving Sat. morning about 7:00. Uncle George is here (from Mom's side of the family) so we've been showing him around. Lili, I call you tonight.

Bonnie said...

OK, You peaople are really making me mad, and Ben is still being a rascal, giving everyone a chance to get together yet again and poor me being stuck on the east coast, boy oh boy.
Just remember, I want to be there with all my heart. We are so fortunate to have made this connection in our hearts. [Even though one of us tries to make themself stubborn and distant]. But we know she has a soft spot and really does love us in spite of our imperfections and flaws. Right? And because, as they say, "you can divorce your spouse but you can't divorce your family" so guess what Suzy, your stuck with us, good or bad. Because we all love you. I speak with the wisdom of one that is twice as stong headed and runs away from everyone when I am mad and yet know in my heart they are the ones I need the most and love me the most in spite of myself. And I know you really do love me. How can you not. Second thought, don't answer that, I might run away again. LOVE YA ALL

Oh ya everyone, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bonnie and Suzy we do show we are family. All so strong headed, and you know this, with those that married our group, all block heads, laugh. How I love you all, and when I hear your voices on the phone, my heart is feeled with such love. How blessed I am to have each of you in my life, and not having children, I have ALL your children that I can love and have in my life,.... Suzy I see do much of Lueria in both of you two, Lisi and you. She is such a good mom and trying to be there for them, as her mom was working hours that made it hard to be there for her. I sometimes see her in you Bonnie, and as she knew how I ran my home from the cell phone and schedule my life, having her in my home, that is also what I see. Running here and there for each need, as she also brought others into our home from school and the friends in the area. So, I did have a busy life, and I see that in her.

I know that Bonnie, will not be removed for long if I have anything to say about that.... laugh, as after the first of the year I am going east to see into things.

We will be all connected and are, the miles are short in the heart.

Know Bonnie, that it is love we have for you, also what I know is, that I know and see Betty in you at times... I know you may not see it, but both you and Dick, use words, when you get upset that you heard in your household.

It is interesting to hear us talk among us, as that part comes up in our personal exchange, but what over-run's, this is our true family likes, that I find is so us, as siblings.... As we gather, and connect in person, watching each of us, I see something in myself in each of you. I see the temperment of each in each of us.

I also see some of the gentalness, when it count's and that is something we need to add to, as we have had to live the harshness of life and those around us.

Love Lili

Love Lil

Anonymous said...

No worries to all. if you can't, then you can't. I do not want anyone to put themselves in danger just to be here. Like I said, there will be a Family Service at the reunion. A sprinkling of ashes on the beach by candle light, I hope. Do not think that I will thin badly of you if you don't make it. I have been checking to see how things progress in Redding as I have to go there before the service. I don't want to go but I Need to go. Ben's cremation still has not been done yet. The funeral home ca't figure out where the hold up is. They just know that they can't do it until they have a permit. I tell ya, there is going to be some nasty letter go out afterwards and if it is the Dr.'s fault, his bill gets paid last! and two months down the line.

So family, as much as I love you all and want you here, please don't come. That includes you guys to Lili and Lisi. With the weather this bad, don't risk it please. It is not worth the risk and you know that Ben would not want you to travel in this kind of weather. I would not be put out and I am looking forward to the family one together at the beach where we can all be present. But if you do come......give yourself more travel time.

Love for all of us, Illa