Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Just want ya all to know I am thinking about you. Thanks so much for your email Jimbo. It looks like you had a great trip. Those are areas we through on a regular basis in the truck. Different times a day give us a new and awesome show of the red hill and rocks. Quartzite is a regular fuel stop for us before we go into Calif. It's so much fun when we can stop when all the snow birds are there and set up end to end with all there booths open and cooking all the different goodies. You could spend 3 days just going around and looking at everything they bring in.
At first I thought you meant the Red Rocks in Nevada where they put on concerts, those are really awesome. If you ever have a chance to see them, do it.

You chose a fun little car to cruise around in although I would have gone for a maroon Mustang Convertible.

Wow, Antiques Lili, hope you aren't throwing anything away that Suzy and I would fight you for. That is something we do share is our love of antiques, although she knows a lot more about them than me.

Love Ya all


Peter said...

Happy Easter!
We are enjoying Dick visiting us for a couple of days. He got here on Saturday. He helped us burn some of the stuff that came down in the ice storm last winter. The we went out and shot our pistols a bit (my aim hasn't improved any). We'll end up at a family dinner at Karen's sisters place.

I'm looking outside now. All around me there is life. It's like a jungle out there. So much life you can't hardly hold it back. Soon we'll be surrounded by a thick canopy of leaves and perennial plants. Me, I just want to chop it back. Karen, she wants to control it, by displacing weeds with flowers. That's the way God is, he wants to make all things beautiful(in his time). He started with that one important resurrection of that one life. Enjoy Him today. Love you all, PnK

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, remember who is cleaning the place. good luck getting to it before me.
Oh and anything pre 1955 is considered an antique. :)

lueria said...

happy easter. Glad all is good. We just watched passion of christ. Perfect for easter. To thank God everything he has done for us. love you all. Went to church yesterday with all the kids. Just relaxed with the kids today. they love that.