Saturday, April 18, 2009

We just got back from Atlanta. Ricks Dr gave him a clean bill of health and said he is actually ahead of schedule with his healing. So it looks like our little vacation is coming to an end soon and we will be getting back to work in about 1 1/2 weeks. We will probably be getting a new truck which is always fun. We found out our company is back to hiring which is a good sign.

On our way home last yesterday, Ricks son called to tell us his wife was dying so we went to see her. I was shocked at how bad see looked. She is not coherent any more and is in so much pain they can't hardly touch her. She is no able to swallow and they have removed her feeding tube. She reminded me of Ricks dad just before he died. It is so sad because she is so young and leaving two kids behind.

Well got to go mow the lawn and get some yard work done. It is a beautiful day and all the flowers and bloomed out. I brought more plants and flowers so will have fun planting today. My only problem is that the bee's are out to and I am terrified of them. I'll keep my shot handy.


Sandi Hooper said...

Bonnie, I'm thrilled about Rick's rapid, ahead-of-schedule recovery. That's the power of good, cleaning living for you! Please give him our best. Congrats on the new truck too. Sounds like you've got good stuff going on. And then the sad news. I'm sad for Rick's daughter-in-law and son. I hope & pray that all will be well with that situation.


Lili said...

Dear Bonnie and Rick, I am sorry for you, and Rick. It will be so good when she is on God's resting arms and out of pain.

I love you guys and know we have a wonderful future planned. I will talk with you as soon as I can, as we know that God does have a plan for us.,,,... I miss you two, love Lili

Teresa Garcia said...

Watch out for those bees, and if you have a water bottle out there with you, keep the cap on except when you're drinking... and double check anyway. I've never been stung in the mouth, but I know someone that has... and man I could not understand a WORD of what he said that day when he came home from work all those years ago!

I'm glad Uncle is healing so quickly. That makes me very happy.

I'll keep Rick's son's wife in my prayers (I'm terrible with names anyway). I'm sorry to hear that she's dying. I hope that at the last it is at least peaceful for her, and that everyone is able to actually make it for those last moments. I know that for me, at least, being alone there at that very last between one life and the next scares me.

lueria said...

hugs to both you. I called the other day. If you need any thing please call. always love taking to you. xoxoo

Jim said...

Bonnie and Rick,
I'm sorry to hear of a life ending, especially one so close. I cannot imagine seeing one of my 'girls' pass on. Maybe this life's lessons have been learned, and it's what was meant to be, planned to be, coming to be. Life goes on. It's up to us, the living, to make it better and carry on.


Peter said...

Dear Rick and Bonnie, we are so sorry for what your family is going through. It must be so hard to watch them go through this. We pray they'll find hope in God's promises, because, when there is no hope, the pain is so much harder to bear. We love you, Peter and Karen

Anonymous said...

Bonnie and Rick.
I know that you and the family find peace that her heart is right with God. In my opinion this makes it easier to let go. Yes there is pain in loss. but joy in knowing that she will be in her eternal home and that one day we will be reunited with her. Im glad you are there for the kids at this time.
Good to hear that Rick will be going to work sooner.
I hope that he got all his honey-do list done
love ya,

Illa said...

Bonnie and Rick. Know that my heart is with you. I will send my prayers along with everyone else. May her last moments be easy and her loved ones around her. I know that she is hanging on because of her loved ones and that they need her. Ben struggled until we released him from what he felt was his obligations no matter what here. Even tho he was not able to speak the last few hours, you could tell that he felt that he had to stay here. We told him that we knew he loved us and we loved him, but that hanging on because he felt that he had to be here even tho the pain was tremendous, that we would be alright. that we understood and released him from this obligation to stay and take care of us and we didn't want him to suffer any more. I think he understood as his breathing then was much easier and tears in his eyes. We may never know if that was because he was thankful for us or that he knew that he would soon be out of pain and going home. She will be terribly missed by her family but they will also be thankful that she is no longer hurting. That is no life when you are hurting that much. She will still be around in everyones heart so she truly will not be gone. Only her physical body but her love and spirit will always be felt.

I pray for all of you to be eased in this time of sorrow. I love you guys.

I am glad that Rick is healing well and will be back to work soon. That is really great news. Take care and love to all. Illa

Glenda said...

Dear Bonnie and Rick - life is so full of ups and downs...I was so excited to hear of Rick's progress and then so sad to hear about your daughter-in-law. I have your family in prayer and hope Rick's son and children the peace only the Lord can give for such times as these.

Let us all know about your truck when you get it. It is great news that the business is still hiring - we hear such negative reports on the news. Love you guys lots.