Thursday, April 16, 2009

life with lueria ;)

So Rich and I are doing good and busy. Here is my day.

Mon - Friday 6am cutting hair till 1:30pm
2:00 pick up christian at school 20 miles away from hour house
Hang with him in a parking lot, library or lunch till
4:pm pick up max our other son.
5:00 pm get home after traffic

drop boys off and go get Mckenzie from track
home at 6ish. rest and make dinner.

add to my day taekwon do for christian Wen 4:45-5:30, thurs 7:15-8pm, and fri 3:45-4:30
add to that is soccer pick up at 7:30pm mon and thurs.

That is one week. lol

the next week I work 6am-4pm and late Mon and thurs 6am till 7:30.

weekend I work 6am-noon then soccer game.
sunday church and some sundays. crazy huh............

Rich is working 2pm till 11pm He is doing good. No vacations till Dec 25.:( Having a hard time not being home with boys. He wakes up and takes the boys to school. The he works out from 9:30 till 10:30. Cleans house and out to work. Off Sat and sunday rest for the next week.

Justin is at Job corp. doing well. Well not really. So keep him in your prayers. He wakes everyday at 6am and lights out at 10pm. They are riding him alot right now. He is having a hard time with education. but he is sticking to it.

Mckenzie is in track and soccer this term. Last week she hit 3 goals and only pushed once. lol. My girl. Her grades are doing great A and B's only one C. She has a new piercing. Maybe Cousin teisha can post it. or Uncle Dick. lol. I will send it to you Uncle Dick. She did her home work and talked to her councler and her paster. She loves them. do you hear im happy. lol But I went with her.

Max has all A's and B's. He is doing great and loves his dad taking him to school.

Christian is doing good. Loves God and Church. He is reading well too.

anyway hope all is well. Im tired resting till leaving to get mac and take christian to tae Kwon do . can you say under paid taxi service. lol


Sandi Hooper said...

Lueria, I love this post--I remember the crazy hectic, "Mom's taxi Service" days of when my kids where young. And I only had 2! I'm amazed by how much you young moms accomplish these days.

Jim and I send you our love and our support. You've got such a wonderful family, and you and Rich are great parents.

much love and sending you hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lueria,
I have a project that i need your help with. I know you can make some time in your boring schedule:)
Love ya.

other said...

Hi Lueria, love ya.. Great post, and she also made time to see her uncle and mom..

Lisi is so proud of her, she saw the boys with uncle and Lueria took her mom home and they also had wonderful, personal, grandma and mom time!!!!!

I will be getting the plates down, and the stained glass hearts that uncle and I made for her.

Also know all with us all so busy, what a great day in heaven when we will not get tired and not have to worry about our children playing, so we can hang out and visit..

By do I look forward to that day, love aunty Lili & uncle Jess

lueria said...

lol, I hear you uncle dick. did you get mac pic? I hope you can post it. lol. Aunt Sandi "does this mean i will have a life agian someday?!" lol. I just walked in the door.

Peter said...

Yeah Lueria, funny how it is, life is full of challenges while raising kids, but when that part of your life is over, you might wish you could go back. Empty nest is has always been harder for me than Karen. I even miss the teen years!

Illa said...

A short one until the grandkids start. Thank heavens that is a while off. you sound really busy. Hey! I need a haircut. Maybe you can pencil me in one of these days when you have time? It will be a bugger of a trip to get there so make a long way off appt.

Things are ok here. We are trying to get Teresa an apt. so that she is closer to the kids. We will know in a week if she gets it. It is in McCloud. Where BJ and April used to live so they will be close.

So Lili, If you have things that she can use, we can try to get up there to pick them up.

Well, I better get to bed. Work does come early.

Hope all is well with everyone. We love you.


lueria said...

aunt Illa,

Haircuts are on if you come. I need to get my aunt and mom in too. Maybe all three.Uncle Peter I bet I will miss it. With Justin gone, I miss it. I bet that is why i don't leave anymore to do other stuff. I want to be here for them. But at time i feel grounded. lol. looking outside and everyone playing and im home with teenagers. lol. They never like to do what i want to do. but they love you guys. they love the family reunion. :)

Jim said...

Your family sounds like a well-balanced, productive, and busy family to me. I wish some of my students' families were as busy as your family is.
That time for us went all too quickly. I didn't realize how important is was then. Looking back, I wish that I could have soaked it in more and maybe even bottled it for later (now). It's good to take pictures as it helps jog the memories.
"Good job" to your entire family.

lueria said...

thanks, hugs. I passed today. I am working at 5:30 am and then riding till 2pm. then meeting mckezie at her soccer game on my bike. fun day. fun. I made another week. and loved it.

other said...

You and Rich are amazing. Yiu are a good example of why we have kids when we are young and have the energy. Love ya, Aunt Bonnie

Glenda said...

Lueria, it really helps to hear how your schedule is. Life was never that busy for me when I was a young Mom. Keep the news coming and remember I am praying for Justin.