Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle


Anonymous said...


Bonnie said...

Wow, I hope you all watched her. What a set of lungs. She brought tears to our eyes.
It is so sad how people type cast others, then treat them so different after they have proven looks aren't everything. The old saying, "You can't judge a book by it's cover", has never proven more true.
I enjoyed the looks on the faces of the judges so much. I hope Susan goes far. I don't think there is any doubt she will.

Thanks for all the thoughts about Chasity. Teresa, she is in so much pain that she screams out and they can't move her without her crying. She has huge holes in her bones through out her body, and the the cancer has eaten to the outside. No she is not going peacefully, but she has made ammends with God and that is all that matters.

Peter said...

I too was a bit weepy when I saw/heard Boyle sing. Even if she couldn't sing a note, bushy eyebrows, frumpy looks has nothing to do with the real person inside. We live in a really messed up world where women have to put balloons under their skin, have their face stretched. Old men dye their hair, or wear rugs to be deemed able to work. Not to mention all the crazy things everyone does, just to fit some arbitrary cultural standard. But this isn't just a 21st century phenom, check it out: 1Sa 16:7 "But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD sees not as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart".

Jim said...

I was looking for reactions, reflections, and responses.

Jim said...

I believe every time period has its 'Pop Stars.' Sometimes they have talent, but all too often they don't. 99% of people are normal looking people, nothing extra special.

I believe that her performance was a real wake-up call to what real talent is. She didn't fit the sterotype so was automatically dismissed before she had a chance. Just think, that talent has been there all this time, and all she needed was an opportunity. I'm glad that God looks on the inside.

I just finished reading a book, Outlyers, by Malcolm Gladwell, and this was in part, his premise; a commonality of successful people is talent, yes, but more important 10,000 hours of perfecting their craft. I have to think that Susan Boyle has put in those hours and she finally has had an opportunity to showcase her talents. I hope she is able to capitalize on this opportunity and make a million dollars.