Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Its cold out

its like 46 deg and raining and it feels like it could snow.
thats one of the things i noticed being back. I cant seem to get warm. I put on my layers, wear my liner in my jacket, and seem I cant dress warm enough. Down south I could wear my hoodie and be just right. Last night it seemed like it was in the mid 30s.
I even put a hat on and still not warm enough.
oh well


Peter said...

I know what you mean Dick, this weather is wet and cold. But then- this is a sign of old age

Anonymous said...

Old is a state of mine-d. But i havnt hit old age yet. Im still in midlife. oh and heres the definition of "midlife"
"Midlife transition" is a natural stage that happens to many of us at some point (usually at about age 40, give or take 20 years).
from psychology today.
so either YOU have been in midlife since 20 or your just starting it. I personally believe it is the latter.

Bonnie said...

One really great thing about Tenn. when it rains it is a warm rain, not bone chilling.

Also, if anyone cares, this area that we live in is on the list of the (USA SAFEST AREAS) to live.

So love ya all and hope to see you some day.

Teresa Garcia said...

Do you need to invest in some of those heat packs, for like in the gloves and boots? Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen those for years...

ILLA said...

We have two boxes of them left at the store. They are put up now for the winter tho. Come to think of it, I might still have a couple of packs in our bags here somewhere. They work really well.

Does that mean that your area is out of the hurricane, tornado area, or the crime rate is low? Either one would be good.

Peter said...

Ok, your not old. I'm not old either.I'm not old either. I'm not old either. I'm not old either. I'm not old either. I'm not old either. Hey, I think it's working! Thanks Dick.

Sandi Hooper said...

When my dad got old, he used to repeat things all the time.

I think that it must be colder up there than here though. It's always 50 degrees here. And raining. Not quite as warm as Tennessee, but awfully gray and wet.

Peter said...

Dogonit, I knew it wasn't working.

Sandi Hooper said...

Just wanted to let the group know that Claudia had to have her gall bladder out. Since she's had Gonzalo, she's had frequent severe attacks.

They removed the gall bladder laparoscopically yesterday morning. She was able to be home last night and everything looks like it will be fine.

I got to babysit lil G while the kids were at the hospital, and he and I had a very excellent day. He told me "gooo" several times and we had a good laugh over his brilliant wit. Did you know that I love him? Oh, well, I do.

Mom and Babe (and Dad) are all doing great.

Peter said...

Sorry to hear Claudia had to go through that - pure misery until you get figured out what's wrong. Karen had to have her's out too (the old way). But she's never miss it. Our best to the kids.

ILLA said...

My best to her too. See what I miss when not on and busy trying to sleep? Just veging right now. Too tired to do anything. Need to eat tho. Toast wasn't much after work but all I wanted. She should be feeling much better pretty soon.

Love to all. Illa