Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bonnie's going to supply all the bacon for the next reunion


other said...

SWEEET!!! thats my sister

Jim said...

The real 'Great White Huntress.' Next she'll probably be hunting with just a knife. The good news is that by the time the next reunion comes around she'll probably have enough meat laid in for all of us to grill.

Be careful though Peter, she looks like she may be pretty lethal with that bow.


Sandi Hooper said...

Now I know that this is rather silly, but I can understand that bow hunting runs in your family blood. Dick is Cupid and Bonnie is a pig hunter. The only thing I've ever SEEN Jim use an arrow for is to scratch his back, but it makes me curious to know if the rest of you all are bow hunters as well?

Bonnie, I find your hunting outfit to be much more dignified than Dick's! Thank you for your feminine sense of the appropriate here!

Anonymous said...

Good thing to, any animal would run the other way if I was dressed like Dick. I guess that's a good thing. I made a comment on this but it must have gotten lost in space.
Who could eat something so ugly? I have always wanted to learn to shoot both a bow and arrow and a rifle, but not at a animal.

Peter said...

Most people don't know, that there are businesses that have animals that are trained to play dead, especially for people like Bonnie. I think this is one of them.

Jim said...

Yeh, the ones that are really trained, have glazed over eyes. Have you ever noticed there are not any 'moving' pictures of the 'trained' ones? Good shot Bonnie, and me, I don't even like pig!!!

Sandi Hooper said...

Oh, so you're saying that Bonnie isn't a pig hunter--she's a pig "whisperer"??? Wow! Now THAT'S impressive! Way to go girl.

Jim said...

PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE, don't do any more than whisper.