Monday, December 17, 2007


You might not hear from Karen and I for a while. We're leaving for the airport in a couple of hours, flying off to Colorado till after the 1st of the year. Actually, we'll be staying the night at a hotel, park our car there and head out in the morning.

But, if our flight is shot down, or we die of altitude sickness (our kids live at 10000ft.) Or we get kidnapped, or something else that might render us incommunicado, KNOW that we love you all; especially my really odd sibling (you know who you are).

And just remember, you all have a right to your erroneous opinions! May there always be sausage! Love Peter and Karen


Anonymous said...

Have a good time, best greetings to all !!

Anonymous said...

Wish Peter was still here to reply to this !! "erroneous opinion", that is also part of the crux, "judge not, lest you be judged", sure a hard practice, to be able to NOT judge but rather say maybe,"I think different" !! So much to learn and so little time !! But what a great thing, being able to learn and ask, WHY ??

Anonymous said...

Your not gone yet??!!!!

Jim said...

That's right, Ben. An erroneous opinion is simply the perception of someone who doesn't really understand your or my position. That's not to say that I'm always right, only a different set of learning experiences that has brought me, or you to where we are today. Hence, our past is the only things we have to judge our present by.
P.S. Again, you're right. So much to learn, and so little time. Perhaps we do need more than one lifetime to effect change.

Anonymous said...

OK. I take back everything (bad) I said about Peter. If he's going to acknowledge me as one of this last possible wishes in his journey to the 'hinterlands,' he can't be all bad. Being the 11th sibling I don't get too much recognition.


Peter said...

Travel update: Karen and I just spent a miserable night at the Comfort Inn. I think I'm allergic to everyone's cooties but my own. I woke half blind, and my eyes look like I was in the old scifi movie, where the guy received a package with binoculars. He looked through them and zap- spikes went deep into his eyes! Now you know why I stay in my own trailer.

Karen and I are sitting here, two hours early (thanks honey) waiting for the plane. There's a guy a few seats down working away with an electric toothbrush (no water toothbrush, novel)

So far a typical airport experience: People dressed to the hilt; slobs; wanna be slobs (me, but my wife wont let me)

By the way, I really love the fact that we're all diverse. If you want to read a really good scripture that addresses the issue of food, or sabbath, etc. Check out Romans chapter 14. It tells us exactly how much we should judge each other about these things.

Oh, there's a lady with red antlers! More later

Anonymous said...

Too cool !! I never even thought of Peter taking the lap top !! Funny, the thought of him walking around out there like a zombie with his hands out !! We in law enforcement, past and present find that SO MUCH easier when you already have your "hands up" for the shake down !! Thanx for the Romans chapter to read. Here's a question that I think is actually one that deserves more recognition. "Am I my brothers keeper?"

Peter said...

Good question; considering who and what circumstance the question was asked might shed light on it.

Karen and I arrived without to many issues. Flight was an hour late; took a long time to get out of airport, small things like that.

We saw on Discovery channel that ginko helps with altitude sickness. Woke up with minor headache, but no nausea 'yea'!!! I was down an entire week last time I was here. Feel great today, headache is gone already, without aspirin! Discovery said that ginko worked on 80% of those who used it.

Anonymous said...

Peter, glad to hear you guys made it and found something for your trip and altitude ! Illa was wondering what would happen !!
You are right,and that WAS my point about the question of being a keeper, it depends on the circumstances and level of involvement I think. If we care about the person, I think we want the best for them and try to show or direct them towards what we hope is a better thing or action.

Anonymous said...

one of my favorite things to do in a airport is people watch.
watch for people who look like celbarities and go ask them for an autograph. :)

Peter said...

As I see it, the trick for unity is being able to accept another believers honest views; either pro or con. That said, we mustn't assume God doesn't have an opinion; otherwise we might as well write our own bibles. When the scripture tells us to 'study to show ourselves approved to God', the sub-message is that He has an opinion of which we are to conform. However, it's been my experience, that He is very patient with me. So, we should be to eachother.

One more note: Romans 14 is about judgeing anothers 'worship' to God (in the active sense) There are indeed some areas we are to judge, areas of rebellion for instance. Read 1Corinthians ch. 5 and ch 6, to see evidence of this.

But, what is the object of this "judgement". Not to elevate ourselves of course, but to help man to a closer relationship to a Holy (opinionated) God.