Sunday, December 16, 2007

Bonnies post makes me wonder....

If God didn't intend for us to eat meat.
Why does it taste so good?


other said...

because we learned to like it !! We are suppose to be the KEEPERS not to kill, even animals. Ask yourself this, "why kill what God created" ?
So many people say He made laws for us to keep, WE made laws and said HE made them. I think He made laws (rules) , for own GOOD ! What is the better thing for us for health and emotional betterment. We just forget that. A thing I heard once was, "can the pot tell the potter the pot knows best" ? Even the sabbath is a two way betterment I think, to honor Him, and to give us a rest from the every day stresses. WE put the spin on it for our wants, strange we should think we know better than the Creator ?!!

Peter said...

Hey; how about that Huckabee?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I guess I forgot to put down my name !! Didn't mean to sign as "other"
Also, don't get me wrong, I love a steak and beer as much as the next person, and I have killed a few animals, but, ..... there is another side of each issue and this is still America so I can put my quarter cent in the mix !!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dick, we all know we love things that shouldn't, infact if anyone else is like me, if I'm told I shouldn't do something or like something, I want it more, even if I didn't care about it before. And like Ben, don't get me wrong, I love a good hamburger or steak once in a while. No pork though, thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

So are vegetables and fruits living things?
i wonder what Jesus ate when he was on this earth.
HMMMM Maybe fish? no thats meat, couldnt do that.

why did God show Peter a blanket with all sorts of living creatures and tell him to eat. acts 11
why wasnt it grains and stuff?

I agree in part with you ben. but i also believe we try to spiritulize things to much. If we were to keep the law as written for the iseralites in Lev we would be struck down in an instant.
God gave those laws because the people were so use to living in slavery that they "needed" a man to tell them what to do. They didnt want to hear from God themselves.
The bible says it was given to them because of the hardness of their hearts and they were afraid of God. So God said ok heres 2 hundred and some rules you have to follow.
The one that kills me is the one on the sabbath. Probobly because of my background. Did you know that if one of the iseralites even stepped out of his tent on the sabbath, he was suppose to be stoned.
And not the kind of stoned we used to be:)
The cool thing is that jesus is the fullfilment of the law and died for us on the cross so as we are not judged by what we eat or drink or who we are. he loves us just because we are. He sees you and me and sadam and hitler as the same. but its the heart that he is concerned about.
His love, unlike ours, is unconditional. Ya baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually I never said He told us NOT to eat meat. Just thinking of the Garden of Eden. Man didn't know what death even was. Therefore, I don't think they ate fish. if not meat?, what is left. And it did say they fished,but then again, did anyone say they HAD to? You are right, He loves us ALL, no matter what, not even the "holiest man is clean",but then again, Might it not be we are to learn and try to understand?! I just accept the fact we are not even CLOSE to the same gear, yet I don't give up , I want to learn as much as my feeble mind can learn.
That is one thing I am thankful for, He gave us the mind to TRY to learn, and knows what is in our hearts and minds, yet still loves us. HOWEVER ... I do not myself believe, just because we believe He is real, that THAT saves us. After all, Lucifer, above all, knew and knows God is real. Therefore, it is deeper than that that saves us.
Again, I think the 10 commandments had been made for our benefit, (what is the BEST things to do) Actually, I think they are very basic.
As Jim says,(in my words, so as not to miss quote him) I am not saying who is right or wrong, just my interpretations and perceptions as I see them.
example, some say "They KNOW they are saved", I say, "I hope I am saved". After all, I am not God, so how can I know? Only He knows. I know what He promises, yet, I can't say when the end for me comes, what condition I will be at. I HOPE the right one, but, I can not see the future !!.

Anonymous said...

sorry, I forgot !! maybe if we DID "spiritualize" more we would NOT make as many mistakes.(not saying we wouldn't!!) , and you are right, I do think He loves us all, Hiter and the ilk too. But not their actions. and again, I did not say He will loves us only if we ear the "right things", what I meant was, maybe their are things that are better for our health to eat than other things. Even the books we read and tell each other about and the health benefits !! So many ARE grains and such !!
You are right, He does love us, and when I TRY to follow the 10 commandments, to ME, it is a why of praying by actions and saying to Him I know He knows best and will try to honor him.
As Jim said, just my place on the road I am at. Even the name,meaning,perception, of God, I can't really define in my words, they are to inadequate, so I say the word God, a different language uses a different word. The best I can think of is The One, or Creator. So many questions I have for Him. I really love the idea of being able to ask and learn from His own meanings ! I guess Jim is right, we do need more than one life to be able to live and learn !! and He says it to, the way I see it. Just one life here and the one with Him IS the proof we can live more than once !! lol
p.s. Is their "life out there?", again, that is answered too, YES, if you believe there is a God !!

Anonymous said...


Jim said...

Hey, that's who I'm looking at from the Republican side too. He's for a flat tax. That's a good start for me.
The other side of the aisle, hmmmm, possibly Obama, but I have to see how he comes down on the issues I care about.

Anonymous said...

I guess like religion, I am different in politics too?! lol

Anonymous said...
