Friday, December 28, 2007

Boys and Girls Differences - (feel free to add other observations)

I can't help but notice most the girls have dropped off the blog. There's probably several reasons for this. First, women never stop working, so they usually don't have as much time. As for my wife, she doesn't even know how to turn the computer on.

Another reason might be that boys play a little rougher than girls. Girls like soft, pretty and phu phu type material - even on the net; while boys like guns, motorcycles, and beating up on each other. Generally girls seem to always need reassurance, and can't seem to tolerate any type of communication which, right or wrong, could possibly be construed as personal. For instance, I'll be looking at my wife thinking , "man am I a lucky dog to be married to such a wonderful wife". She'll notice me looking at her, and she'll say, "you think I'm fat".

Besides, average boy/girl differences. I think we still have to learn to trust one another. What we don't want to happen until we are all in geriatric wards, is the old syndrome of feeling of having to walk on eggshells when communicating. Unfortunately that is easier said than done. Trust is a hard thing to learn; but just because you've been burnt doesn't mean you should never start a fire. Life can be very cold that way.

In the meantime, I'll try to be a little softer. PS, Lueria is an exception for motorcycles.


Anonymous said...

Actually a good observation on all of us I think.
for everyones info. , I talked to the twins two days ago and they both sounded good and upbeat !
I tried calling Bonnie and Rick and got Rick, he sounded good,but, I might have woke him up? I keep forgetting they live in a different time zone(sorry u 2), I will use age and my chemo as part of the excuse. I was glad to hear Rick was off the roads and home safe. I had heard there was a bad pile up over his way. Ice and such.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot, Lueria is doing well and getting ready to do her business move I read. Maybe she can design a hair style kinda a wind blown like, as in the days when one(me) didn't have to wear a dang helmet ! Only good thing about the helmet is it keeps my ears on my head ! lol

Sandi Hooper said...

Peter, did YOU post this? I find it hard to believe that Karen does not know how to turn on a computer...

Sandi Hooper said...

I also find it impossible to believe that Karen would think that just because you're looking at her she must be getting fat.

It can't be you posting this. It's not Jim, 'cuz duh, I obviously know how to turn on a computer (I whisper in its ear), Illa knows how to turn on a computer and has never been thought of as fat by anyone or thing on the planet... Dick doesn't have a wife to turn on or off the computer...nor does the not to be mentioned brother C...(he who must not be named)

the more I think about this post, the more I think it can't be one of Jim's brothers... who has invaded your site, guys?

Sandi Hooper said...

I have my reasons for wanting to know who posted this thread. But I won't go into them until I am sure with whom I am speaking...

The mysterious "other" may be the reason that your sisters do not continue to post here. Just a thought.

Peter said...

Yes, it was me, Peter. I sincerely apologize for not signing. Problem is, some times when I log in it recognizes me, others it doesn't.

It's true, Karen doesn't know how to turn on the computer. To my consternation never has tried once! After 13 years she finally seeing the benefit of it, but still depends on me. On the other hand, I depend on her for many things, including maintaining the size my waistline.

Unfortunately Karen is self conscious about her weight. She never had a problem with it until her health problems. Seems every prescriptions (which are many) have the warning, "may cause weight gain".

As for "he who must not be named". I don't think he is posting. I don't think he wants to invite the interaction; so the blame I think goes to forgetful's like me and those who, for some reason, feel safer to remain anonymous.

Your comment about why the sisters don't post because of 'other'. I can see it, one never knows how us guys will attack. I try to be wholly transparent and up front, but this is not always wise; again, I probably better be more careful when dealing with females. However, my wife must take part of the blame, she should have taken a more aggressive approach to my training. Peter

Jim said...

Boys and Girls Differences. Good observations and all rational reasons. But, well, I think it's like this, I think that the main thing is the 's' word, shopping. Working has a lot to do with it, but shopping is a primary reason. by contrast, I don't like to shop. If someone said some Christmas season that, "we're going to skip Dec. 24 this year," there wouldn't be any presents under the tree. So, more time for me to take pictures of my feet and post them on the blog. That dress will be out of fashion in 3 weeks, my feet will be with me for a LOONNNNG time.

Working is good too though.
Whenever I think that the house is clean and just right, Sandi will find something that needs to be done. Case in point;I think the condition of the garage is just where I can find things, meanwhile, Sandi hasn't been out there in about 3 months.

You're right about the trust thing, we still have to learn to trust one another and recognize that it's beyond personal, it's blood. Sometimes I'll write something and have Sandi read it before I post it, and she'll give me more of an objective view. Then I remember that I can't walk on eggshells, I've already broke all mine.

Or, it could be that 'they' think those that post are somewhat nuts, deranged, mentally unbalanced, have screws missing, mentally challenged, deficient in the gray matter, opinionated, too opinionated, and all manner different than themselves. And, they want to distance themselves from such roguery?

anonymous, Peter, anonymous, Peter, other, the other other, no Peter, the 11th sibling


Anonymous said...

way to go Sandi and Jim ! thats what happened to Poor Peter. The altitude and work got him dizzy and thinking while he was working on the house. That's my opinion and you got to agree with me cause I got more gray matter and will not dye it !

Sandi Hooper said...

Ok P.Sr, now that you've "come clean" I'll continue: I think that the "girls" as you call them are very busy being in love with their men. Bonnie was practically swooning over the idea of Rick coming on home, and he's home now. Sorry, you guys are a dim 3rd place to him in her book. And same with Suzie: she's got her man and she's satisfied. Unfortunately, women are basically pretty centered around their own home and hearth.

The girls will be back when they are ready. It's not personal. They're just in love, that's all.

Sandi Hooper said...

Now as for Karen's Rx predicament: I feel for her. Really I do. She's incredibly beautiful to me. But I know how it is to be uncomfortable in my own skin. Please let her know that she's your everything woman and never let up on it! It's a tough job Pete, but I KNOW you're up to the challenge. And for pity's sake, show the poor girl the on/off toggle on the side of the computer!

hugs you guys. You're all great men in your own right, and really quite a mob when you're together. Your sisters are really a lot more lucky than they'll ever know.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget, most women think its all about them.

Peter said...

Let this be on the record: I DID NOT POST THE LAST COMMENT ("'s all about them")!!!!

But I've been thinking about it. Though women may be overly self conscious at times (oh oh, I gotta be careful here) still, my wife thinks of everyone but herself. I think, generally, mothers are like that. Look at Suzie at the reunion, you can't hardly ever find her since she's doing something with her grandchildren all the time. Likewise, I think I know Sandi well enough, if her boys were there, I'll bet she'd be constantly mooning over them. Those are just two examples, all the ladies are like that. In reality it's not just about them, but about those they hold close to their heart.

Anonymous, perhaps unintentionally, made the point that I think every husband needs to learn: We need to cherish our wives, make it "all about them"; if they get the reinforcement they need, those few that do, wont have to reinforce themselves.

Anonymous said...

Hey, great to hear from Sandi with her ideas. And(I know never start a sentence with and) I was observing, too, how the women drop out at times and then get us back in line if we start to much testosterone stuff here. I was thinking they must all be like the mother hens and making sure all is well in the hen houses for us.
WE men are the lucky ones to have them and I am sure we all know it even if we do fail to convey it enough the correct way.

Anonymous said...

I did. and notice i said "MOST." so dont thrash me for my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Hey? I thought you are a stickler about signing our names ! Also, each is allowed their own opinion, as long as they finally see mine is the right one ! lol
NOT !! beat you Dick .

Unknown said...

No trashing, just disagreeing. Your not trashing my disagreement are you? When I see you next time, I'm going to give you a big brother knuggy! Opps, Ben said a little less testosterone- no knuggy. Peter