Saturday, December 8, 2007

New address

In case some don't have our new address, Jim has it.
Hey Dick, I love doing target practice, I have always wanted to get a rifle, Vegas has a fun target practice in the Pro Bass Store. I also like to shoot hunters with my imaginary gun, I did that a lot to hunters when I drove truck and saw the poor dear in their trucks. Sorry you hunter people, don't want to know who you are although I can guess.
Ben I never said I wasn't on your side for that new bike, infact if I lived back there I would be very tempted to buy yours. I really wish our plans hadn't changed, Zack and Chasity have never liked me and with Rick never here it is really lonesome. I'm just doing my thing and trying to support him. Nothing we do seems to make any difference to the kids. I feel like our life together has always been centered around his kids and his X. I want to at least go to our own church. Oh well, sorry just venting.



Anonymous said...

Hey !! Finally someone that agrees with me!! I love looking at the deer. One time I was hunting coyotes (with a caller) and I had a deer walk right up to the bush I was hiding in and sniff the bush, The deer was an albino !! Pretty thing . Besides other things, I found out I was an eye man. Pretty eyes I love to look at.
The only time I hunted deer, I got drunk and shot woodpeckers !!
Hang in there !! You might not see any good in things right now, but, it really can help later. You might never see the change, but it CAN help them, or someone you never know !! Doing the right thing, as you did, is a good thing sis !

Peter said...

Amen bro! One thing that's been hard for me to learn in my relationships is: "Feelings are neither right or wrong, they just are". What a person feels is just a symptom. Like medical stuff, finding the cause is more important than the symptom. However, dealing with 'people causes' involve suffering the feelings. Because we can't change other people, we have to learn to respond to people as Christ would have us; then accept by faith, that God is working. As Ben says, you may never see the the results in others, but it likely your symptoms will eventually be displaced by the joy knowing you are being like Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I love you guys so much, you are so right. What I need to remember is that it's not about me, it's about what God want me to be and what He wants to do through me. Thanks for being there for me, I am so blessed. It fills me with so much joy to have my family in my life. I was just thinking today with so many brothers and sisters and chances of any one of us thinking about another one of us is pretty special. Does that make sense?

other said...

Bonnie, with past realtionships that i have messed up I found that although I am the one that has messed up its the hardest thing to do is admitt it. and for myself if i ask for forgiveness and the other party refuses to forgive I always had a hard time. One thing I cant do for other people is force them to forgive me. thats their problem. and that is really where the healing comes in, when we repent and go on with our lives.
Im not saying that you screwed up, but that live goes on. (Makes sense in my head anyway)
I know that when i started going to my own church and developed new relationships it was hard but it was fun and those relationships lasted a long time.
vent all you want. belive me i understand. I really dont have that many friends and i know it gets very lonesome. but were here and Love you.
PRO BASS is a fun store, ive been to a couple. I also like Sportsmans warehouse. no shooting range, but i love to go in and just drool.

Jim said...

The only one that you can control is yourself. None of us can control how we want or need others to react, we can only control how we react to others. Doing what you sense is right, is enough. "Be true to thyself." Thoreau. 'Nuff said, for now.

Jim said...

OK, I'm ready. Not really, but I'll put in a another 2 cents.
Bonnie, WOW!!!, so many deep-seated emotions coming to the surface. I think that what you've let us see a small part of your real self. Thank you. So many issues to comment on, but so little typing ability.

Hunting for me is a true recognition of the value of life. I am a hunter, but I also value life. Oxymoron? No. In fact, hunting makes me value and appreciate life. Are you a vegetarian, or do you enjoy an occasional BK, or McDonalds, or maybe even a steak now and then? Someone has to do the dirty work so you can pick up that saran-wrapped bloodless package in the grocery store to satiate your carnal desires (and get enough protein). I think that we are too distant from what we take our sustenance and enjoyment to truly appreciate from what we are made.

Sandi Hooper said...

Bonnie, I tried to post a huge comment here and I must have put too much, it got lost in cyber space!

The guys are giving you good feed back, but I'm very concerned that you've posted your address and phone number on here. I know it's a long shot that uninvited people read this, but I'd sure hate it if some nut got your info off of here...I hope that you will consider editting it out.

Don't be lonely, there's much work to do! Keep walking, keep writing, keep posting here, keep on loving those kids. Your leaving a legacy of love and that's the most important message of all.


Peter said...

"Legacy of Love", I like that. Peter