Sunday, December 16, 2007

Never watch how sausage is made, as you'll never eat sausage again.

You've all heard that, but probably not followed through and have fallen victim to eating it....again. If not, more power to you. I've another one to add to that. Never, let your wife watch you change the rollers on the bottom of a patio door, especially if you've not done it before. In particular, if, your first comment is, "I wonder how this door comes off?" (Lift, grunt, lift, grunt.....)

Her: "Do you think that it would be better to buy a new door."

Me: (lift, grunt, lift, grunt, "%$#@$%^," lift, grunt, lift, grunnnnttt, "^%$#@^%".

Her: "Are you sure you want to do this while it's raining?" (wondering how many days we'll feel the wind blowing through the house.)

Me: "Ah, ha! UHHHHHHHH...., WOW!!!!, this thing is HEAVVVVVY!!!!!.

Her: "I think that this may be a good time for me to go downtown."

Me: " Have fun."

Don't worry, everything turned out fine. The door works great.

Have a great week,

1 comment:

other said...

Jim, I waited a bit to see if Sandi kicked you out or not, you must be hanging on the door frame by now. Hats off to you, being married and able to say how she sees things compared to how you do !!! ☺