Sunday, February 10, 2008


Dick offered anyone who wanted a cat to take his. He didn't post it on the blog, so I thought I might. I can testify, it seems to be a great cat. My problem is, any cat around here gets eaten! No, not by me. Though I am not emotionally or theologically opposed to eating cats, I don't. That can't be said of the local Owls, Hawks, Coyotes; and I hear Bigfoot likes cat too. So cats have a short life around here.

Isn't it interesting that our emotional attachment for something gives it value? Some oriental cultures keep crickets in match boxes as pets. God help you if you accidentally should step on their pet! I suppose this is why there are so many abortions. One girl thinks little of killing a baby, another is devastated if the baby is stillborn. Does the baby have intrinsic worth or not?

Here in the West we are indoctrinated to value different things. Generally they are attractive, soft, cute, intelligent or large things. I think that's why mom liked Dick the best (not the large part). Don't kill a bear or a whale, they are large. Killing a cow is ok, since they are stupid. Can't kill a Dolphin, they are intelligent.

A writer for a newspaper came up with a great idea for making money with very little overhead: Raise cats and rats. Since both are very prolific, feed the rats to the cats; skin the cats for the pelts and sell them. Feed the leftover cat carcases to nourish the rats - to in turn feed new cats. One problem however, don't kill a cat, they are cute and soft. And, for heaven's sake, don't make a coat of them!

Dick has the same problem as that money making scheme: for a dollar I can have enough fuel to gather approximately 1000 cats! I once did carpentry work for a lady who was very fragile and could barely stand. She had lots of cats. When she would walk outside they would scamper around her feet, almost tripping her. I was a little concerned for her, so I said, "let's eat those cats". She said, "I don't know how to fix them". So, anyone out there know how to fix cat?


Anonymous said...

let me see, we had 39 at the beginning of winter. I know how to fix a cat !! nail it on a post and that can help

Jim said...

Ben,I guess that would make it a little bit difficult for them to breed.

Did you do any more work for the lady?

Sandi Hooper said...

What is the value of life--any life? What is the problem with death--any death? Isn't the urge to preserve life just an artificial attempt to play God?

Peter said...

Sure, did a lot of work for her, she knew I was teasing her. She was teasing me back. I was really concerned for her safety, but in the end she knew what she was doing.

As for taking of life, I think the opposite is true; unless there is some definitive authority, IE God, defining value, life should be preserved. To take a life, any life, based on some arbitrary estimate of "quality of", is illogical. To preserve life is god-like. "....(He) not willing that any perish..."2Pet3.9

Think of the billions spent to find life outside our blue planet; think of the billions spent in the attempt to create life. It must be valuable.

By the way, scientists believe they now have the building blocks of life. They've got what they think is a workable strand of DNA, for the simplest bacterium. They now only need to "boot it up". They think it might be done this year.

Just go in there and try to destroy that life!

Anonymous said...

so now we play God and claim able to make life ? When all we might be able to do is make another imperfect copy ? shame on us !!

Sandi Hooper said...

Spending billions only proves something is expensive--not that it has value.

Sandi Hooper said...

Peter: the coat idea has a flaw. These coats are way too high maintenance! Have you ever seen how much time a cat puts into licking the fur all back into place? You'd have to have lick cleaners to drop off the coats daily to get the fur all licked back into place. That means you'd have to hire and train cheap labor to be coat lickers. Now, say that the rats were tainted with lead. This could lead to health problems with the lickers, and before you know it, you're in the slammer for worker endangerment.

I don't know "how to fix a cat." But if you'll hum a few bars, I'll try to fake it.

bon apetite!

Anonymous said...

hey !! maybe you need to hire cheap labor to work on the fur and keep it smooth ??

Peter said...

Yeah Ben; Sandi is thinking like a Republican. There is no way we'd get Americans to pick oranges or lick fur. PS Didn't I say, FIX CAT, not fix A cat.

Anonymous said...

hey Peter !! fyi I am a republican and I endorse her idea of sending the cats to all the hungry people .... !!
p.s. "I don't know how to fix them". So, anyone out there know how to fix cat?
just replied to your question so quit trying to dodge it now !!

Peter said...

Yes Ben, (notice the large B) But your solution implied only fixing one cat; as if there was one particular cat that irritated you.

Personally I really enjoy science, but it's a difficult subject for me. Since there is a lot of religion mixed into it, it's very hard to separate the facts from conjecture -given as fact to make the theory work.

It bothers me a bit that these folks are messing with artificial life, seems it's very dangerous. Already it's common to make glow in the dark mice. Seems like this exercise might be full of hidden pitfalls. For instance, take mans landing on the moon to look for some evidence of life. I wonder if any of possible 100,000 different bacteria that can inhabit the human body escaped to the moon? If they did, there could now be life on the moon! This to show man can really mess things up.

Anonymous said...

hey Peter , maybe if the astronauts took that stuff that makes them glow in the dark? then we could save a ton of money by not having to fix everything with lights to be able to see ... cost savings !! see? us republicans can see a cost saving thing after all !!

Anonymous said...

hey Peter ? think about it, fixing ONE cat reduces OTHER CATS !! therefor, to fix only one actually fixes the concept of other cats,ie several !! lol

Peter said...

Fix cat, ya know, like for cooking! Ok, By the way, pets in China, is a relative new phenom. Now that the Chinese are becoming more prosperous they aren't eating everything that has more than two legs minus feathers. Soon the culture will evolve and it'll become taboo to eat some things. Do you suppose some of these people that constantly carry around lap dogs (like P.Hilton) are subconsciously hording food? Lewis and Clark ate just about everything when crossing to the Left coast, their favorite food was dog.

Bonnie, Sandi, Illa, even though domestic cats have caused a major decline in US songbirds,I actually like cats. So Dick, if you think that George is smarter than- or can dodge hawks, owls, coyotes and Bigfoot. And if he doesn't mind sleeping outside, we'll take him.

Ben, I think you've traumatized our youngest sibling with your discussion of cats, you should probably come up and get George. Visit us while your at it.

Anonymous said...

hey ?! you might be right Peter !! I'm sorry, I think that is a good idea for me to go up and get the cat !! whathathink Dick?? maybe I can see if it can ride on the back of the bike ?!!