Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't worry, I got it off!!!


Peter said...

Hey Jim, sorry to be the bearer of sad tidings, but those things always come back; the only remedy is amputation of your leg.

Anonymous said...

I think I rather see da feet !! lol

Bonnie said...

Don't worry about it growing back, it probably got a hair ball and died.

Hey Jimbo, Rick wants to know if there are any jobs out that way. And I don't mean trucking jobs. What do school bus drivers make there? Your ocean picture and other nature pictures are getting to him, and he hasn't even seen most of them. I just tell him about them.

Anonymous said...

o.k. Illa and I are at wits end !! What IS THAT, (besides another reason not to be within 300 miles of the ocean ?!!

Peter said...

Hey BnI; if you watched the Sci-fi channel more, you'd know.

Anonymous said...

o.k. Peter, since I do .... are you saying he is a green slime ?

Peter said...

It looks like a parasite to me. Probably comes from living with cats. Tell me Jim, have you ever been licked by a cat? Or, this could come from swimming in a river or lagoon and urinating. There is a parasite, while in it's embryonic stage will sense the warmth then swim 'up stream' of the offender and incubate there. It finally emerges when it's host can no longer contain it. Of course this is just one possibilities.

Jim said...

You 'forgot' to mention that this parasite lives in South America.

No, this is not a living, breathing parasite, but rather the root system of a pond plant. It is rather interesting though, isn't it? I helped with a creek cleanup accessible only by kayaks and when this root system came floating by my mind went to the extreme; hence, the photo.


Anonymous said...

Rats, I was hoping for something more exciting. Peter