Saturday, February 23, 2008

Playin' in the snow Elk Camp Trail foray 2-23-08

Rachael, Andrew, and I went up to the snow. For some of us who don't live in the snow, we have to visit the snow. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?


Anonymous said...

looked nice. I really love the way the video can switch.

Bonnie said...

Love it, but how do you slow it down so we can really see the pictures?

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim said...

(Yes, I deleted the above comment after figuring out I had to add to my comment.)

Too bad life doesn't work that way. i.e. "Oops, I was wrong," or, "I don't like the way I did that...rewind let me correct it." Reality is, "Please God, I promise I'll never make that mistake again...maybe...possibly....until tomorrow."

Animoto, animoto, animoto. It's a blessing and a curse. Long story short; you can stop them by hitting the pause forward.pause icon or by clicking on the image, but you can't slow them down. You can also full-screen them by clicking on the little screen in screen icon at the bottom of the Animoto task bar if I send it direct from Animoto. Also, I think there is a 'command key' that makes it full screen. But, that's a Peter question. Then to make it smaller again you hit your 'escape key.' The resolution isn't as good, hence the size. So much for a short answer. Your turn now,

Anonymous said...

so if we put Peter and Jim in the same area and put a picture between them.... what would the picture look like at the end ?
SO want to type Dicks name here

Peter said...

Ever tried geocasheing in the snow? Makes it hard to find.

Anonymous said...

Peter Peter Peter !!
All you have to do is look down, if it is white, YOU FOUND SNOW !!! If it is yellowish white, You found snow where JIM HAS BEEN ! (**) most likely Dick !!

other said...

i wouldnt make a comment like that. i have more class than that.
it was Me :)

Anonymous said...

but not a lot !! sides, Jims the one that took the picture of the yellow snow !!!

Jim said...

Yep, I'm the one. But, no, I've not geocached in the snow. It's generally enough trouble with a clear blue sky.
I have to say though, I've not gone out in quite awhile. Spring is here and it's time do go out again. It always does manage to take me to places I've not been to before.
Hope everyone is having a good week.