Friday, February 1, 2008

New tourist attraction in Crescent City!!!! A dead Sperm Whale

Today I took my class on a field trip to a place about 1-1/2 hours from here in Takilma called 'Treesort.' Basically, a evolution of a rebellion to classic homes. In the late 60s and early 70s this was a mecca for the long-haired hippy-type freaks. What it has evolved to is about 12 houses built in trees, and rented out as a bed and breakfasts. I guess we all must grow up. We took a tour and the kids were able to play in the snow.

What the image is of though, is a dead Sperm Whale that washed up on South Beach last night. Actually, a novel event, in spite of the fact that we live on the coast. As I remember, this is only the third whale that has washed up on the beach in Crescent City. Sad to see how life take its course, but amazing to think that warm-blooded mammals such as this migrate off our coast. It's kind of neat in the timing of it though, as we are studying about whale migration in science. Here's a link to the story:



Peter said...

Sperm Whale! Hey grab me a tooth. Actually, I think the FishnG guys claim the entire whale. Too bad, I always wanted to carve on a S.whale tooth. But washed up sperm whales are as common as hen's teeth. This reminds me, if you ever want to read a great book, look up a book on the sinking of the Essex. It's the true story of a Sperm whale sinking a whaling ship. They say Herman got his idea from this account. I liked the book much better than Moby Dick.

Anonymous said...

I would hope the whale is dead !!! BIG chunks of meat cut out of it !! For blood and parasite tests or what? btw.. 5 days & 0 smokes

Peter said...

Hey BnI; if you can go 5, since the hardest is past, you can go 50- right? Now the battles just going to be in the head.

Jim said...

That's pretty cool!! Whatever you're doing to keep your mind off it, keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Peter !! As you know, that battle "in the head", is often the most difficult one to fight. At times I think the world doesn't realize we, in our heads, fight the fight and Lucifer just watches because we make it so easy for him.
It is STILL HARD at times to resist getting cigarettes, but, as Jim stated,think of the money we will save to buy more toys !!(hmm, a bigger bike would be nice,or, a bigger loader) just a thought !!

Peter said...

Yeah, toys! Now I wish I could have that kind of leverage for getting a bike. Or maybe try this if that doesn't work. 'Illa, I've been praying about it, and I think God wants me to get a bigger motorcycle'. Or, 'ya know, I could be a missionary to the Hell's Angels if I had a more macho bike'. If those fail, 'Illa, I'm getting a bigger bike, and you can go jump in a lake'. Better be wearing your helmet when you try the last approach.

Peter said...

By the way, we got 7" of snow last night. Raining now, will wash some away.