Thursday, February 14, 2008


I think this is what jim is evolving into. I really kind of envy him. I think he was the coolest of all the older sci-fi creatures.


Anonymous said...

HEY !! Did I tell you it is great to see the little fart(brother)

Peter said...

Check out the nails on the lagoon monster, it's exactly what Jim has on his leg. Dick, you sold me, I don't buy the plant thing.

Jim said...

Actually, the head was poking protruding out the other side of my leg, but I couldn't get the camera down there to take a picture of it. I'll fish the rest of it out of the garbage after I get to walking around again. The band-aids will be coming off next week, but I don't know if I can find the head of the creature as I threw it over the fence as far as I could in a fit of terror, fright, and disgust. I'll keep you updated.

Suffice it to say, the ooze coming from around the bandage is not a pretty sight. The good news; the antibiotics are working very well and I can walk around on crutches pretty well. I didn't have to miss work this week? I hate to use sick days being sick.
