Wednesday, May 7, 2008

1/2 happy 1/2 sad

I am sitting on top of a beautiful hill at 9:30 at night freezing my tutu off! I am so excited because tonight was the end of another class and after the next Saturday class I will be 1/3 of the way through my college. I am waiting for Teisha to get out of class and then we can go home to a nice warm bed. Both of us usually get out at 10:30 but since this was my last class we had projects and finished early. Wahoo!

Parts of me are happy but then I think of Chuck and I am sad. I hate the idea of him going through this. He has been in his house for a good ten years hasn't he? Jim, you and Sandi are great to be there for him. The fact that he called shows that he knows that you two are there for him and he can count on you. Please keep us up on any news.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing most of you at Suzanne's wedding. I am also looking forward to blogging more, talking about Global Warming and the Pacific Ocean Garbage Island and Big Foot and crazy people that hike along a mountain walk that could kill ya.

Hey Jim, are you going to dance with your wife at your sister's wedding? How about the Swim or the Frug or the Bunny Hop? You don't have to break dance or anything. You didn't dance with her once at your son's wedding. Hey, and speaking of weddings what is the news from Randy and Claudia...when will they get married?

Dick, are you going to dance with me at Suzanne's wedding? You can teach Jim a few moves! Ok - Ben, Illa you guys have to get Peter and Karen to Polka. Yep, this is going to be a great wedding. Start watching "Dancing With the Stars" and I will make sure to bring those footsteps we can glue on the floor.

OK =you all take care - more later Gi


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hi Glenda !! Hope to catch you at the reunion.
p.s. 2 more quakes in Reno, 3.7 and 3.8 wed and thur.

Jim said...

That's pretty naet you can see that you're 1/3 of the way through college. It sounds like that you're enjoying it too.
I feel bad for Chuck. You hear about the housing crisis, but when you hear it affects someone close to you it really brings the issue home.
We're planning on going to Suzi's wedding, so I guess we'll see you then.

What's with all the interest in dancing? And, why are in interested in my dancing ability? I'll tell you right now, it's a moot point. It's a point that's not worth the time to pursue, and there's really no story there. I used to do the "Funky Chicken," but that was in a previous life.
You must have taken a dance class for P.E. or somehting. It's going to take something more than footsteps on a floor to teach me how to dance.

It reminds me of a blog I wrote after I went to a science conference.

As a culminating activity they let us tour the Long Beach Aquarium this evening with a dance to follow. Whheeeeeeeee. As soon as they asked for requests I walked over and asked for any ZZ Top song. I thought to myself, "I'm going to listen to one song and leave." I stayed for about 15 minutes waiting for that one song. They didn't play it. But, after a three days of honing my observational skills (as any good science teacher should do) at this conference,I did notice one thing, the ratio of women to men on the dance floor was about 6:1. I wonder how that would fly it I put that on my report to the school district: Observational skills honed. Actually, it was pretty easy to figure out the ratio as there were only 14 people on the floor at the max in that 15 minute period.

There was this a couple that walked onto and past the dance floor and I could barely hear the conversation. The woman couldn't hold herself back and was swaying to the music, the man was totally engrossed in the aquarium display.

(her) "Come on, honey, let's dance.'
(him) "Wow, can you believe the color of these fish?"
(her) "Isn't the music great? Just let it move you."
(him) "Those bubbles are really cool. I wonder if they do it to aerate the water?
(her) "Would you dance if I got you another beer?"
(him) "No thanks, I've already had five. Can you believe the size of the Grouper? He
must weigh about 200 pounds. Besides, I think my gizzard is starting to act up again. You remember what happened last time, don't you?"

Meanwhile, during this entire conversation and for a period of about 10 minutes that I couldn't hear, she couldn't hold herself still, just moving and grooving to the sound of the music. He was, what you might say, 'stoic and reserved.' She probably thought he was an ass and close to death. Whatever she thought, it appeared that he didn't score any points tonight.

I'm convinced that at one time in the long and distant past more men liked to dance, but it was a LONG time ago. Possibly, after a successful mammoth hunt, or when a male child was born, or maybe, before a hunt. I think for the most part, men unbeknownest to even themselves are waiting for the return of the woolly mammoth so they can again 'cut a rug." Don't get me wrong, I love live music, just as long as I don't have to dance to it. I'm just one of those that are waiting for that mammoth to step out of the past.

Sandi Hooper said...

Glenda, did you notice Jim didn't dance with me at OUR wedding? He believes that dancing is sinful. He also thinks that dancing is "cutting a rug." Have you ever cut a rug--it's not fun.

Dick said...

so is jim going bald? when you talk about cutting a rug, i think of a hair piece. i did notice that he was thinning out last time i saw him. and since when did they come up with a rug that grew its own hair.
and no i will not dance, unless like you, there are the little black footie prints to guide me.

Anonymous said...

My dad used to refer to dancing as "cutting a rug." No, Dick, my hair isn't thinning, it's slipping...down around my toes. You should see those hairy buggers!

Now, let's talk about something besides my dancing and my hair. It's all a moot point.


Dick said...

ya jim i did see a show last night on your REAL home-town, it was called Bigfootville. Oh and talking about hairy buggers. have you ever pulled one out and found 10 hairs stuck to it? hurts like crazy.

Sandi Hooper said...

Jim's hair isn't all on his toes, I notice his ears, eyebrows and tummy are all getting pretty hairy. He keeps the hair on his head buzzed down to the stubble though. A new fashion statement, perhaps?

Hey the rest of you guys: how are you wearing your hair these days? Have any of you changed your "style" in the last decade or so?

Anonymous said...

after close to 30 years of people telling me to cut my hair....., I'll let you guess how my hair is. and they said I would go bald with chemo treatment, 2 of them and the radiation and I STILL have my hair, even if it aint black now !!