Monday, May 26, 2008


Imagine my surprise when I answered the phone and it was Chuck. He was calling from a pay phone via the phone card. He sounds good, and sounded like he had a plan, with Mitch's. He talked about things getting resolved, but some exasperation on how difficult the system is. Believe me, if were not for my wife and her paper savvy, I'd be right there with him. Anyway, he tried to get a hold of Ben, but the numbers didn't work. I gave him mine, last numbers ending in 0228. I told him I figured Ben knew how to negotiate the maze of the beaurocracy , he agreed and it made him all the more eager to get a hold of Ben. It was great to hear from him. Peter


Anonymous said...

Jim ! Maybe he called my cell # ? We have been home all week but didn't get a call from him. The phone might have been out of action during the lightning storms the last couple days. But it worked today !!

Anonymous said...

If everyone wants, writing him and "dropping" your phone number may be a good excuse to contact him. Or, if if you want, send me your phone number(s) and I'll compile them and send him a letter.

Anonymous said...

information for all. My cell phone is the one that starts with 260...., I hardly EVER turn it on unless I am on the road !! I checked it and Chuck had called that number, as well as Peter. Remember, if you want me to answer, call the house, NOT the cell. As I said before, I hardly turn in on. Kinda an emergency contact thing is what I use it for. Like when I was on fires, that was the only time I used it, to call home or they could call me.

Anonymous said...

Peter, I tried to e mail you after I tried to call you. If you can, e mail your phone number to me when you have time. I must have written your house number down wrong.