Friday, May 23, 2008

Sandi update

Sandi says that the drugs in the hospital are better than was is prescribed after you get out. We got home last night about 10:00. She's been just trying to take it easy all day, and has been pretty sucessful at it, except for the cats. They think her stomach is now a trampoline. Either that or a springboard to jump up on the headboard. They manage to jump on her stomach at just the wrong time. Have you ever seen the Dukes of Hazzard show? THere's this one scene where the car takes off from a dirt ramp and does a horizontal pirouette before it lands. That's what the cats remind me of.

She can walk around, but she doesn't look real comfortable. Have you ever seen those 'power walking' ladies? You know, those ladies that swing their arms as they walk without their heads bobbing up and down at all, just a driven look on their face and their arms swinging wildly. I think it adds to their momentum, more of a full body workout. Anyway, that's what Sandi looks like when she walks through the house...just not quite as fast.

The doctor said everything went well and he expects her to have even more energy in about two months. Of course, the doctor didn't have the operation either. I have to give the doctor some credit, he's the one that delivered Andrew almost 25 years ago, and Andrew turned out great.

With high gas prices and all this is a good weekend for a staycation. Gas is $4.31 here in Crescent City. I guess we could take the ZAP, but between charging and all it would take us about 4 days to get to Portland. But the good news it would only cost $9.00 for the energy costs. Trade-offs, I guess what life is all about.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Sandi is home !! Illa and I had just been talking about it and wondering if you all might have just been home relaxing finally. Funny about the cats and wanting to jump on her lap. I forgot all about that. Our cats did the same thing with Illa. I found a stun gun works great !!☺

Jim said...

I was thinking about a Taser.

Peter said...

If you would have taken my advice months ago, you wouldn't have this problem! Glad to hear your on the mend. But I hear there is one thing better than 'chicken' noodle soup for when you down.

Sandi Hooper said...

Actually it's war wonton soup, and it works great! I don't mind the cats, I was so happy to see them I almost cried. It's hard to say "that's so cute" when you're grimmacing in terrible pain though, so I spend my time clenched in the event that someone sneaks up on me.

Illa, the back brace works so well! Thank you.

I've updated this a couple of times, but it didn't go through. Jim thinks it's because I was too "doped up", but I've had this happen other times here.

Anyway, today is much better. And Jim's cooking has really improved! Or else it's that I didn't have anything to eat or drink for 6 days...

Thanks for the well wishes everyone. It's so nice to be HOME!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are doing well. The hardest part is trying to get up. When your down everything is ok. Make sure to keep your feet up. In about a week or so you will get better. Have they taken the clips out yet? When that happens you will feel like everything is going to hit the floor. you'll forget that you have to watch things. Just take it easy. Love Illa

other said...

Sandi, glad your home. We hope your get better. Stay strong. hugs to you and xooxox

From Lueria

Sandi Hooper said...

I'm feeling much, much better. Yesterday I even walked out to the end of the driveway! Jim's and excellent care provider--he may have missed his calling!

They gave me Vicodan for pain, but I only took a 1/2 dose in the morning, and a dose through the night. I'm not too impressed with it: just makes me dizzy, and uncomfortable. I'll try just plain tylenol today and see how that goes.

Lueria thanks for cheering me on!

Illa, no clips (?)--just tape. He did layers of stitches under the skin, but no stitches or staples on the top. Just tape that I can take off tomorrow. I'm taking half off tomorrow the other half Tuesday.

You know, I think that the headaches have been the worst part of the recovery on this.

Now, I'm ready to talk about something else!!! Can we please get a new post started???

Anonymous said...

and Sandi, !! You can always use super glue !! lol me

Jim said...

I've found the secret to "good food." The longer that a person has to wait for their food, the better it tastes to them.