Tuesday, December 23, 2008

so this was monday morning. after the first time i cleared the windshield. more snow expected tonight.
Jim, did you catch anything? sorry we lost connection. it was really nice talking to you.


Sandi Hooper said...

Well, it looks pretty anyway.

Peter said...

Dick -You call THAT snow? I remember, long before you were born, it took us two days to walk to school. I headed for school on Monday morning, got there Wednesday morning, I was so tired, I slept through class. Then there was a two day march back home. All I had to eat was icicles hanging from people gutters, and the snow was so deep I had to dig down three feet to find one. This was a really long snow storm, about ten days. You can figure how long it takes to get caught up. Well, you do the math. I never did get caught up, I might have been able to do it, but all through the process, that lousy teacher made me stay an hour after class for being tardy. that's why I just gave up and dropped out of school. Now THAT was snow.

Jim said...

Peter, you forgot to add that it was uphill both directions.
Dick, I had all kinds of good luck, you wouldn't believe it! No fish, but everything else was perfect; reading a good book, cooking warm food over a small camp stove, enjoying hot fresh brewed coffee...priceless.

Anonymous said...

at Lisi beauiful, our house in St. Helens, so much deeper and breath taking, hope it's still that way when we can get home so I can take some pictures!!!! We are on our way to see Suzy and have Christmas with her family, it's 5:42pm, two pains convoy going into Portland, it's something else, going a speed of 30, .... How about speeding!!!!!! Love Lili