Monday, February 16, 2009

Did you know - if you traveled.........

If we traveled outside our solar system, 5 year 4 months 19 days at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second), we get to the nearest star outside our sun, Alpha Centauri. Just one of billions of stars that form our Milky Way galaxy. If we continue traveling at this speed, after 1000 years we'll be able to look back and see the entire swirl of the Milky Way. As we look out into space, every light now is another galaxy, each containing about 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars. As we traveled, we'd pass lone galaxies, and clusters of galaxies. And looking back into space, it would resemble a night sky out in the country. But the difference would be, instead of a sky full of individual stars, they would be galaxies. If we could live this long, we could travel at the speed of light for 10 billion years and never come to the end of the available galaxies to view. And it appears to be the same if we continue even further.

Isa 40:12 (God who has) Measured heaven with a span..."Job 11:7 "Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?

It takes the same, or more faith to believe that this universe came from nothing, as it does to believe that God created it. Check out this video that demonstrates the vastness of the universe; click on title above.


Jim said...

If there is no life out there, it sure is a thoughtless waste of space if we are the only ones here. (That is from the perspective that there is someone that thinks and creates)

If there is no life out there, it sure is a waste of space if we are the only ones here. (That is from the perspective that there was not a thinking source in the creation of the universe)


Sandi Hooper said...

Just don't forget to take your gloves and have your battery on your phone charged up...that sounds like a "fur piece from the barn"...

Oh and did you know that the space between celestial bodies is tiny and cramped compared with the space between the molecules in your own body... (no cracks about the empty space between anyone's ears!) =)

Anonymous said...

i was watching a piece on nano technology. they used a marble to be the example of a nanometer, and the earth as a meter in comparison.


other said...

There very well could be life out there. It certainly would violate my faith. I'm not so sure anything is wasted however. Even the millions tons of fruit that falls to the ground is not wasted. The very air we breath depends on stuff like that. Who knows what purpose the vastness of the universe serves. Something more important than a junkyard for old spaceships looking for water, I think.

Anonymous said...

It does make you feel very small. It is totally awesome. I love the colors. I am sure that they are put in to show the differences but still totally awe inspiring.

Bonnie, thank you for the CD's. They came in today. Another thing inspiring. Rick has such a wonderful voice. I am sure he gets tired of hearing it but it is so true.

I made it over the hill to the bank today. The only one open I think but at least is was my bank. Three hours to get that check in and everything set up. There is a 7-11 day hold on the majority of it but at least i can pay a few bills tomorrow. I can't touch any portion of it until then. I will feel so much better when they are paid off. i get tired of watching the caller id. One bill has bugged me 4 times a day since Dec. 9th when I first let them know about Ben. I can't pay them off as they are the biggest one until the hold is off. i called them today to tell them they would be paid off in a few days. Will see what the caller id shows tomorrow.

It is funny (sick) that the smaller medical bills that I have called have written them off. The larger ones want full payment. They are the ones that have gone to collections already and I called all of them on the same day in Dec. At least I can pay them now and be done with it.

I still plan to take that coast trip in March. I can now and not sweat it. It will be nice now to relax for a bit. Still won't get my front and back porch until I'm 92 but at least now I can save for it.

I am so tired. Dick, How are you doing?? I see you posting every once in a while. Have they extended you un-employement? I sure hope they do as that is one of the things that this bill is supposed to do. Remember, you have a place to come if needed. I promise I won't charge much in rent. Just a helping hand with some of the handy work. Food is free. Offer always open.

Love to all. Illa

Bonnie said...

There certainly is life out there, just ask Rick, he listens to Coast To Coast. They are all about aliens and space craft and other weird things. Rick would love this subject, he and his son Zack can talk for hours about the universe.

No Illa, Rick is always surprise when he gets any comment about his music. He has often talked about getting rid of everything because it is to expensive to put out and he can't do it himself because he has not outlets that would at least pay for what we put into it. Not that we want to make anything, but most people have no clue the time and energy and the cost of putting together even a simple CD.
We are still not sure what kind of move we are going to make. Even though we have the house paid off things are getting scarier all the time. Plus Rick is feeling the need to get off the road as soon as possible but he is not going to jepordize his job. I have been checking out jobs for myself.
I think of you often Dick and pray for you every day. I knew life has never been easy for you. Maybe you should take Illa up on her offer, it sounds like she coould really use the help and support. Love Ya All
Need another picture of Gonzo, he changes so fast.

Peter said...

No one jumped on me for not signing so I figured you guessed who other was. Illa, Ben told me, that was one of his big concerns that you'd have to face the bills. What a choice! Just remember, these bill collectors DO NOT CARE. This is just their job, and they can't have feelings and do their job at the same time. Also, what Karen and I do with our hospital bills, is call the hospital (or whoever) and set up a real low payment plan. We do this even if we have the money to pay it off. Generally we talk them into interest free. When I broke both my legs and was out of work for seven months (no insurance), we did this because the amount was huge after six days in hospital with operation etc. So we payed low payments. Then one day, my father in law, went in there to surprise us. He told them he'd pay it off if they took it down further. They went for it. So, sometimes if you make them wait, it helps the negotiations. Finally, "let them eat cake". I wouldn't recommend this kind of thing ordinarily. But this medical thing has gotten totally out of whack with the rest of reality. Nothing costs this much, but health care!!! The only way there is ever going to be a change in health care is when 'the man' has to suffer like us ordinary folks do. This is the only way I'm remotely socialistic, but I can't believe health care should force the impossible decisions you and Ben has had to make. Peter

Anonymous said...

when i had my M.C, accident the total package was about $300,000, what a waste, my share about 8,000. i got calls from the hospital wanting their money. i told them i would like to make payments of 100.00 a month. they said no. the next thing i know i got a letter saying that my bill had been written off and i owed them 0. as peter said make them an offer. most medical professions charge more than what their care is worth for such instances as this.
peter. what you dont defend obamas socialistic ideas and goals. thats just unamerican.:)

Peter said...

I know, I hate myself sometimes. I wish our President would quit stealing my ideas, it really makes me wonder about myself. But he and I differ on some major things. But I've already blown that horn.